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#A sea of books with a pleasant 777

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 27 posts ・ 226 participants

 Smile 777

Lying to Make Money Zhang Xiaocheng

 Smile 777
Smile 777 Smile 777 2024-05-16 09:39 Reading (1869)

Book title: Making Money Lying 1&Making Money Lying 2

Author: Zhang Xiaocheng

A long time ago @Meatball I recommended this book. Recently, I happened to commute to find easy financial books, so I chose these two books.

It is enlightening to see two points:

1. Lying to earn money 1:

How much time should be spent on financial management?

First, convert yourself into assets (with a formula). Everyone needs to manage money, but how much energy should be spent? Here is a balanced distribution problem: the time and effort spent on financial management.

Q: I have 40000 yuan to spend on financial management. How should I allocate it?

A: No need to configure. There are too few. Is it a little hurt—— When you don't have a solid economic foundation, the more important asset you have is yourself! I usually calculate in a mathematical way to simplify similar problems: what is the total price of converting myself into assets?

For example, with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan, the annual rate of return of pocket change in common financial products is 5%.

A change of thought is equivalent to: the natural rate of return is 5%, and the interest is 8000 yuan per month. You can figure out how much you are worth.

A's value equivalent to assets=X;

The monthly salary is 8000 yuan, which I regard as the monthly income of this asset is 8000 yuan;

According to the annual rate of return of investment that can be obtained easily, A is 5%;


X=1.92 million yuan

It is clear at a glance: compared with A's own 1.92 million yuan and idle 40000 yuan, it is obvious how much energy he needs to allocate to spend the 40000 yuan.

My final advice to the friend: put 40 thousand yuan in the financial products with higher security, such as monetary funds like Yu'ebao, principal guaranteed bank financial management, or financial management platforms with compliance and strong background.

If you really want to spend time, you should also adopt a learning attitude. Instead of blindly following and following the trend in order to make money, you should deliberately cultivate skills. Therefore, the gradual "configuration" I recommend to him is: most of Yu'e Bao, and a small number of people try to polish their personality with index fund fixed investment, A small part of them, if they have time, will screen relevant stocks in their own industries or industries of interest, choose one to track and trade from time to time, at least to judge whether they are suitable for investment.

But the purpose cannot be changed, that is, most of the time is still to improve the return of 1.92 million yuan.

2. Lying for Money 2

It is much easier to regard a marriage as a partnership between two people to start a company. Whether the goal is to make fast money or to become a century old shop, you can use economic brains to consider the running in and conflicts between the two partners.

Part 1 Use KPI to clearly define the balance point of labor division

You and a man intend to jointly establish a "company", which means that you have similar expectations for this company.

But we must be careful of the common fault of start-ups - relying on feelings to "fight" the world.

It is impossible to fight the world only by feelings (love). Many true love that just started "regardless of everything" eventually went on a wrong path because the founder was too idealistic. What is your value as a principal partner? This is very important in the long-term development of the company. No company is willing to put an idle person or a person with unmatched ability here, let alone you are a partner. First, analyze your responsibilities in the company. For example, as an administrator+chief financial officer (housework+money management+fixed asset management)+business department 1 (your income), think about the assessment criteria of these positions in the company

At this time, the company structure called "Marriage" has been completely presented: which department is the key, which department burns the most money, and which department must make money. You must be clear in your heart. If you are responsible for the affairs management of most of the support departments, the income KPI of the business department 2 that your husband is responsible for should be set high accordingly, otherwise, it is easy to make you unbalanced.

Part 2 Airborne New Department, Rebalance

In the future, when you have children, who will be the leader of the incubation project department?

At this time, we will encounter the common problem of rapidly developing companies - expansion is too fast and management cannot keep up.

First of all, the Project Incubation Department is a very expensive department, and its birth will inevitably affect the income level of the business department 1 you are responsible for. Can the cash flow of the business department 2 your husband is responsible for effectively support this change, and do you need financing for emergency (family assistance funds)?

Secondly, does this kind of financing come with a wager agreement (you should know that it is not easy to get money from your family, and you will be constrained if you get money)? If you take the lead in this project, do you need to recruit an experienced project manager (nanny or mother as labor support) to assist? Is the project manager consistent with your cooperation and philosophy (relationship)?

After the expansion, you will probably feel that the paper draft should be prepared at the beginning of the establishment of the new department, as shown in Figure 3-2.

Therefore, when the original operation pattern of the company is broken, it is necessary to do a good job of rebalancing, or make a "plan" before expansion to calmly cope with changes.

Part 3 Business level cannot fall behind

After successfully passing the running in and stable operation in the start-up period and expansion period, the company has entered a stable development period, and its business has developed steadily. Do you think it is not far from IPO? However, when a company is put into a larger market for "appraisal", the senior management who has not contributed much to the future development value of the company may be exposed to the risk of being elevated or "replaced".

At this time, the common problem of companies rushing to IPO appeared - the original management's business level was backward and faced with the risk of "replacement".

What does this mean in marriage? Although the risk of "blood exchange" is very high, many people still try. At this time, risk control may be carried out in advance to maintain their "asset value" in the marriage.

The above is a small demonstration of "corporate" disassembly based on the traditional family situation. It can be clearly seen that running a marriage is like running a company. If you want to become a century old shop, you need to put yourself in a correct position in the process of running in the face of risks and difficulties, so that you can finally output value and obtain returns.

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