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Cainv Reading Association fifty-eight thousand five hundred and forty-four Sister 21987 Posts
 Double European Talks pro

Learning to improve emotional intelligence

First explain what is Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to the ability that individuals show when dealing with emotions, understanding their own and others' emotions, and effectively communicating with others. Improving emotional intelligence can help us better cope with stress, improve interpersonal relationships, and achieve better results in life. Let's talk about my understanding of EQ.  

         Recently, I have learned that what is the most expensive in life? After careful consideration, I think people's vanity is the most expensive. Many people unconsciously compare themselves with others, especially when they have a strong sense of contemporary empathy. People are especially easy to compare with others when they are not strong enough.

People's happiness is often compared horizontally with others as a reference, which easily leads to inferiority. My solution is usually not to take the horizontal line as the starting point, but to choose a horizontal and vertical intersection as the starting point, and to use the vertical comparison method, that is, to compare the past self with the future self, upward, infinitely upward, without limit. In this way, people can keep calm and calm. This methodology of self comparison is based on the idea that people should invest in themselves. In this troubled world, there is only one thing that no one can take away unless you give up yourself. What is that? Not money, not time, but people's attention. Where you focus your attention, there will be results. Pay more attention to yourself, focus on the future, and pass on the path and pit you have experienced to future children. The most important thing is to focus on your own progress, so that you will gradually become more peaceful in your future life and work.

We should not focus too much on appearance, but on personal growth. Growth is a slow and gradual learning process, and the future development is the most important. This is a part of Deng Xiaoping's speech on his southern tour. It is rich in philosophy, as if it came from a philosopher. Human diversity is complex, but in order to simplify understanding, we can classify it into two types: defensive personality and progressive personality. When you are inclined to a progressive personality, you will find that everyone in the world is a good person. You will encourage them, take good care of them, believe that their improvement will make you better, and you will be more able to see their progress. The core of this attitude is not to compare with others. In some cases, your EQ may be greatly improved. Many people will experience the stage of immature intelligence and emotion when they are young, but when you turn your attention to yourself, you will find that you become more perfect. Because you become better and your ability is enhanced, you will go to help your friends, family and relatives around you.

What I want to emphasize is that we should read more, exercise more, learn more, make more money, and accumulate initial capital for ourselves. As your ability grows, you can influence people around you. Put time, energy and resources into future development. The larger the "memory", the stronger the ability to handle complex affairs, and better build a complete personal development and growth system.

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