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Cainv Reading Association fifty-eight thousand five hundred and forty-four Sister 21987 Posts
 Tangtang Moon

I like the tea hanging in Good Day

 Tangtang Moon
Tangtang Moon Tangtang Moon 2024-05-10 15:45 Reading (800)

"Every day is a good day" is a Japanese film, which is adapted from the work "Every day is a good day: Fifteen kinds of happiness brought by tea ceremony" by Morita Daiko. It tells the story of the protagonist Daiko learning tea ceremony from Takeda teacher, feeling the beauty of art and understanding the true meaning of life.

In this film, I was attracted by a lot of tea hanging. In the Japanese tea ceremony, the tea hanging is the first item in the tea business, which is due to the cultural and artistic value of the hanging objects. In the tea party, the tea hanging also indicates the theme of the tea party, reflecting the intention of the tea people.

Japanese tea will carefully choose hanging objects according to season, time, theme, tea room (structure, color, light), specific needs of guests and hosts and different situations.

Takeda teacher's teahouse will change the tea hanging every day. When Dianzi went there for the first time, the tea hanging was "from the south". The teacher explained: "You two young people come home like the breeze." After that, there were also tea hangings such as "holding the water and moon in your hand", "autumn in the breeze", "plum blossoms fuming through the three thousand worlds", and "those who are not bitter have wisdom".

Teacher Takeda's tea room has no air conditioning in summer. The windows and doors are open, and the summer wind flows through; In winter, the room is warm by boiling water in an underground stove to make tea. In the comfortable spring and autumn, you can also enjoy nature.

Next, I would like to share some of my favorite tea hanging content.

"Fisherman's career is a success" 🍵

Even without status, reputation or wealth,

As long as there is a fishing rod,

We can live a life of inner abundance without being flattered.

"Every day is a good day" 🍵

Not every day is good,

However, we can still face it with a calm attitude,

When it is sunny, love the eyes; when it is rainy, listen to the rain; when it is snowy, watch the snow.

At any time, you can mobilize the five senses and put yourself into it.

"Liulvhuahong" 🍵

When I was young,

People tend to deny their own characteristics,

Trying to be who you think you are,

However, willows cannot become flowers, and flowers cannot become willows.

As long as the flowers keep blooming,

As long as the willows remain dense and green.

"Plum blossom penetrates the three thousand worlds" 🍵

This pair of tea hanging is my personal favorite.

Even the smallest medium can contain 3000 worlds,

Plum blossom penetrates the three thousand worlds,

It seems that the influence is very extensive,

But it can be seen as a complete change from a small place.

In middle age,

There may be no obvious and rapid growth,

But out of sight,

We are still maturing inward.

Do you have any favorite tea? Share it in the comment area.

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