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Cainv Reading Association fifty-eight thousand five hundred and forty-four Sister 21987 Posts
 Clear water and white dew

Push book: Vivid

This is the fourth time that I recommend online novels on Xiaoshe. The links of the first three times are as follows:

1、 Recommend two good online novels: "My Bad Rebirth" and "A Happy Farmer's Daughter"

2、 Tweet: "Sister Changing Parents Reborn [80]"

3、 Push the book: "I wish you didn't fall into the pit today" (this book is especially suitable for professionals)

The last time I pushed a book was almost a year ago. I had been sleeping before 23:00 for a long time. These days, I stayed at home during the holiday because I read this novel almost until 24:00. Fortunately, I stayed at home during the holiday. Author: Xiao Xu (the first time I read this author's book), it's over (I read it for free on the Bookflag Fiction APP), Score: 9.7 points.

Content introduction: The fortune teller said that I was born with a high life. The Handflower Lady was reincarnated and turned a little stone into gold. She will lead the flower spirit to cultivate the spirit. When I grow up, my family will prosper. It happened that when I was twelve years old, I had a strange disease, a high fever, and I always saw terrible scenes... In my dream, I met a mother-in-law, who said that I could save my life by looking for a knowledgeable expert. Xiaomi collected his soul, set up the array, and the immortal asked for the seal... Since then, I have embarked on a journey to worship my master, study Taoism, and seek a life Thousands of grinds and thousands of blows are still strong. The wind is blowing from southeast to northwest.

This is the first time I read this type of novel. For a few days, when I was walking in the community after dinner, I was still a little scared. Then I dreamed about the content of the book at night (to avoid spoilers, I would not say what I dreamed about).

What attracted me to read this novel was the author's funny and humorous writing. I really laughed until my stomach ached (when I couldn't help laughing on the sofa alone, they both said I was "crazy"). Although there were many Northeast dialects in it, I couldn't fully understand what they meant. Some sensitive words are mispronounced (I don't know if it is the reason why they need to pass the review). Let's not hide the flaws.

I like to see cool articles with distinctive themes and the author's three views. A large part of this book is very masochistic. When I don't want to continue reading, I first read the happy ending. If the novel is not finished and the ending is happy, I don't think I can finish it.

Let's see the readers' comments on this book.

1. Very nice! How cruel the front is, how sweet the back is. I like the happy ending. Never shoot TV dramas, no one can interpret the lifelike experience of life, especially the inner drama!

2. Read it in one breath! Laugh and cry. Crying and crying, laughing tears! This book has entered the readers' hearts, and makes people cannot help following the protagonist's sadness, sadness, happiness and happiness.

3. The good ending is that it is too hard to be lifelike. Cheng Chen planned a strategy and went in both directions. After all, the eighth generation was successful. But in doing good deeds, don't ask for a future, don't forget your original intention, and you will always be able to do good deeds.

4. The author is great, with a large layout and a tight rhythm, and his language is full of the flavor of Northeast China. It's hard to cry when crying and laugh when crying! But when you do good deeds, don't ask about your future. Good people will be rewarded. Look at the lifelike design and you will know that it must be a good ending. You really live up to your expectations!

5. The first time I read a novel on this subject, I wrote it well. The hero was full of positive energy. After reading it, I felt a sigh: if people do good, the good will will not come, but the disaster will be far away; Life is alive, but when doing good deeds, don't ask for the future; There is light ahead, and never forget the original intention.

6. Read a lot of novels, this is the most reversed, and also the most exciting! The story is closely linked and touching! Motivate people, have a good heart, there will be a reward! Good people live a safe life!

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