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#This March, we launched the "Rich Nutrition Plan"

come from Comprehensive financial management ・ 4 posts ・ 70 participants

 Her activities

The "Rich and Healthy Plan" is open! Come and watch~

 Her activities
Her activities   Her activities 2024-04-09 14:32 Reading (857)

First of all, I would like to thank the treasurers for their comments on " Rich maintenance plan " [Rich]

The event leader hereby announces: This time #Bonus activities of the rich and healthy plan The prize is officially opened!

The following is the list of winners. Come and see if you have won the prize [Glancing eyes]

List of winners (JD Card of 38 yuan):

 [Big money] Pay attention to your health (6)

Wealth honey @Lisa 3  

Wealth honey @Tulip Road  

Wealth honey @Flying birds  

Wealth honey @Taotao Taotao  

Wealth honey @Hi Far away  

Wealth honey @Getting better and richer  

 [Big money] Release your beauty (6)

Wealth honey @Free Autumn  

Wealth honey @Aya 1117  

Wealth honey @The swaying wind  

Wealth honey @Tulip Road  

Wealth honey @Nina Nina  

Wealth honey @Bolus  

 [Big money] Please keep happy (6)

Wealth honey @byby  

Wealth honey @The second young lady is not good  

Wealth honey @Nina Nina  

Wealth honey @Twilight mint  

Wealth honey @The dazzle of lavender  

Wealth honey @Half a flower  

 [Big money] Start personal growth (6)

Wealth honey @byby  

Wealth honey @Happy Grass Bird  

Wealth honey @Lucky Seven  

Wealth honey @Nina Nina  

Wealth honey @ty1988  

Wealth honey @Rufeng Ruying 2008  

 [Big money] Plan a trip for yourself (6 persons)

Wealth honey @The dazzle of lavender  

Wealth honey @Girl of Zhou Family  

Wealth honey @Free Autumn  

Wealth honey @Happy Grass Bird  

Wealth honey @The swaying wind  

Wealth honey @A lazy girl  

 [Big money] Give yourself a gift (6 persons)

Wealth honey @Half a flower  

Wealth honey @Free Autumn  

Wealth honey @Happy Grass Bird  

Wealth honey @ty1988  

Wealth honey @Rufeng Ruying 2008  

Wealth honey @Twilight mint  

 [Like] Hidden surprise (100 yuan JD card):

Wealth honey @Nina Nina  

Congratulations! The prizes will be distributed within this week (before April 12), and can be collected at the private mail office. Please wait patiently~

Don't be discouraged if you don't win the lottery~

Because in her community There are 2 new award-winning activities in progress , welcome to participate in:

#How can low-income people save 100000/500000/1000000? (50 yuan Jingdong Card will be awarded, which will expire on April 15)

#Self inspection of insurance policy, showing your family's security together? (300 yuan JD Card or 200 yuan sterling silver seal, as of April 25)

Summary of excellent works:

Feelings of two years of health preserving Xiaobai By @Tulip Road  

In 2024, the beauty will be improved. Is it possible that my boyfriend is taking the postgraduate entrance exam  By @Aya 1117  

Hair praised by many people around me since childhood  By @Tulip Road  

At the age of 35, I learned to simplify and beautify, and retain beauty from the gap of time  By @Nina Nina  

Small happiness: DIY fruit ice powder  By @The second young lady is not good  

The "rich support plan" should be implemented according to one's ability. People should always be somewhat imperfect  By @Happy Grass Bird  

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