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#Xiao Shu's Reading Notes

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 6 posts ・ 25 participants

 Small trees 520

28 habits of learning to bully, the earlier you form them, the better you will benefit

 Small trees 520
Small trees 520 Small trees 520 2024-03-30 20:57 Reading (611)

Liao Heng's "Learning to bully small habits" was summarized from his interviews with many students in northern Qing Dynasty. It is universal and has been operated.

  After I read this book, I applied some habits to my children, which improved their academic performance and interest in learning.


Here are 28 habits of learning bully


1. Daily learning list, clear goals and good results


The daily learning list can let children know what to do today and ensure that today's work is done today.


After listing, you can save energy and focus more on completion.


2. Preview for half an hour every day, far ahead of the first step


Preview can reduce the difficulty of learning. Children will learn better if they preview once and listen again the next day. Preview can also help you know what you learned the next day in advance.


3. "Active" listening, realizing the value of every minute of class


The second habit refers to the preview. In the process of preview, children know what they can't learn. In class, they can focus on what they can't learn in the preview, so that the effect of listening with purpose is better.


4. Three minute summary after class. Tips for less investment and greater gain


Use the three minutes after class to review what the teacher said in class. If you can't remember to turn the book, this will achieve triple effect. Verification+memory+output.


5. Review before doing homework, and the learning efficiency is at least three times higher


Reviewing before homework can fight against forgetting, and the efficiency of doing homework is higher.

Review the four steps: active memory - intensive reading textbook - reading tutorial book - improving notes


6. It is easier to find your problems by "non-stop" homework


When doing homework, do not stop. When encountering an unknown question, the tag number is empty, and you can ask your parents or other tools after you finish writing. Children can use the tomato clock learning method when doing homework.


The learning method of tomato clock is to study for 25 minutes, rest for 5-10 minutes, and concentrate within 25 minutes without interruption.


7. Before going to bed, you can "pass the movie" in your mind and quickly recall what you learned that day.


Review what you learned that day before going to bed. You can recall it in the order of each lesson, or pick the key points. The time should not be too long to affect your sleep.


8. Think about the purpose before doing the question, and want to gain after doing the question


Many children seem to work hard, but in the end their grades are not good. To a large extent, it is because of not thinking about the purpose and harvest. Only when you know where your destination is, can your efforts have a direction and reach it faster.

9. Take a small notebook with you, and use the fragment time reasonably

Write down the formulas, words, words and ancient poems you don't know in your notebook, and take them out at any time to read and deepen your memory.

10. Self reducing learning difficulty, starting from simplicity

Many children are afraid of learning because they don't master old knowledge and have new knowledge. At this time, you can repeat the knowledge you have learned, give yourself confidence, and then learn new knowledge. Knowledge will be forgotten if it is not repeated, and it can be entered into long-term memory only after repeated times.

11. Think more and write less when writing questions to save all available time

When doing questions, you can not do the questions that you will know at a glance. You can do more questions that have some ideas but cannot be completely done at a glance, and you can not do the questions that you cannot understand.

Some ideas can not be completely done to master the solution ideas and understand the knowledge behind the topic. Master this type of questions.

12. Insist on checking and filling gaps to make it impossible for students to go backwards

At ordinary times or at the end of the mid-term and final examinations, if the wrong questions are classified and the children's knowledge is not well mastered, they will work hard to overcome them, and the children's scores will not fall back.

13. From one to the end, apply a set of methods to the extreme

Find a way suitable for children and stick to it. Only in this way can we improve our performance better.

14. Increase firepower and deal with one problem at a time

Deal with a disciplinary problem for a period of time, and accelerate running for a period of time.

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