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#Collection of saving stories, how can low-income people save money?

come from Save money to realize your dream ・ 36 posts ・ 1031 participants

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Award collection: how can low-income people save 100000/500000/1000000?

 Her activities
Her activities   Her activities 2024-03-25 09:52 Reading (4338)

She officially invites you to share the exclusive secret of saving money!

How can low-income people save money? How do you set goals in the process of saving money? What obstacles have you encountered? How to overcome it? Together in the topic #Collection of Stories about Saving Money: How can low-income people save money? Let's talk~

Exhibition of Caimi's works:

It's not easy for low-income couples to save some money Wealth honey @Group Family Saving Record  

Working for more than ten years, on the way to wealth Wealth honey @Get rich for one year  

To save money is to accumulate over time Wealth honey @Jiahui  

In my ten years, the low-income counterattack Wealth honey @What's the noise at the door  

I can save money! Wealth honey @Getting better and richer  

The way to save money after marriage: increase income and reduce expenditure, properly manage money, and take multiple measures Wealth honey @Da Ling Xie  

Let saving money become a hobby and become a happy and diligent saver! Wealth honey @Mi Geli  

8-year experience of saving money and growing up as a second child mother in a fourth tier city Wealth honey @Peach is far away   

Later Awareness: 260000 yuan at the age of 40 Wealth honey @zhanghuibdec  

Worked for less than one year and saved 10w+(low-income version) Wealth honey @Zhang Xiaozhong  

Activity time:

March 25~April 15

Event reward:

10 winners of "money saver" award, each 50 yuan JD Card  


① On the topic #Collection of Stories about Saving Money: How can low-income people save money? Internal posting, Irrelevant content will lose the qualification for selection;

The number of posts shall not be less than 300 words;

③ Posting content must be original, and plagiarism/manuscript washing/handling content will not be included in the award.

Requirements for solicitation content:

1、 Personal background

1. Age: After 60, 70, 80, 90 or 00

2. Life stage: Single/married with no child/married with 1 child or 2 children

3. City or region

4. Asset geometry:

  1. Less than 100000

    100000~500000 (excluding 500000)

    500000~1000000 (excluding 1000000)

    More than 1 million


2、 Experience of saving money

Record the process of completing your savings goal at different stages:

1. Share what lessons or efforts you have made to save money, and what methods you have used?

2. What are the changes in living conditions, wealth and other aspects?

3. How is the goal of saving money accomplished?

4. What is the plan for saving money in the next stage?


3、 Tips on saving money

What do you know about saving money for so long? You can share the holes you have stepped on and the wool you have collected~  

Note: The above is not the only format requirement. If you feel that there is a better format, you can adjust it yourself, or add other content, but the above content dimensions must include!!

In addition, please be sure to participate according to the rules. If the content is too simple and casual (the required content dimension is not available), it will be regarded as invalid participation and will not be awarded!!!

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