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#Everything can be saved well

come from Save money to realize your dream ・ 44 posts ・ 239 participants

 Save Money Little Secretary

Save your money and get rich quickly. Take you to play with new money saving products~

Hello, honey,

I have always been committed to helping everyone become rich @Save Money Little Secretary  

In the current market environment, it is easier to save money than to make money. In order to help everyone save money in a fancy way, she launched a new saving tool - " Save well 」。

Through " Save well ", you can set up various saving plans to find more reasons and ways to save money for yourself.

The new product docking product is a low-risk monetary fund, with a minimum purchase of 1 point and a redemption fee of 0 point.

Save well What is it?

Save well "How to play tricks?

Since last week, there has been a steady flow of honey:

@No two zz Of #Pretend to have a second child

@Bolus Of #Save | Beijing Park Clock in Plan

#Cai Mi Collects Wool Together: Summary of High Quality Wool In the topic, a lot of money honey collected wool and " Save well "Combine and try to save the wool into sheep legs:

@Tip 1   Repaired the wool of the last few days

@The second young lady is not good   CCB consumption baton RMB 20 red packet

@Subperiod   Wool Plan

@yuyan   Start wool saving plan

@up_   The Happiness of Wool Harvesting

 [Big money]

How can I play besides the above? Taking the four types of play methods listed on our product page as an example, the little secretary gives you some reference play methods:

 [Hearts] 1、 Lovers save money

1. Periodically or irregularly release some couple tasks, and you can save a sum of money as a reward after completion

2. Convert the gifts you want to give to each other into cash and save enough money to realize a common wish (travel, marriage, eat a big meal...)

3. The two people save their salaries in a certain proportion every month as a reserve fund for living together

 [pro] 2、 Keep baby for use

1. Encourage children to save New Year's money and pocket money

2. Agree a saving rule with the child, such as what tasks/achievements the child has completed can be rewarded with a sum of money to save

 [To pack] 3、 Travel Fund

As the name implies, it is to save money in advance for a future travel plan, break up a large expenditure and save without pressure.

 [Big money] 4、 Pretend to save money

There are many ways to play. Theoretically, everything can be pretended to accumulate. Please refer to the following figure:

Of course, there are more interesting ways to play, and you can refer to the following figure for how to create topics:

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