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#Reading&Essay Dragonfly

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 35 posts ・ 217 participants

 Flying Red Dragonfly

A book that has an impact on our generation and children

 Flying Red Dragonfly
Flying Red Dragonfly Flying Red Dragonfly 2023-11-03 18:40 Reading (1590)

I heard about this book a long time ago, and started to read it after WeChat reading and subscribing.

There is some content ahead, just like the life of the rich, simple, slightly boring, but healthy! After reading, on the one hand, we learned about frugality and self-discipline, and later some millionaires' education for their children made me feel more!

The key is not only to show us the wealth view of the millionaires in the neighborhood, but also to distinguish the millionaires who are amateurs and experts in financial management. What's more, these two types of millionaires have an impact on the lives of their children and grandchildren: the children who are experts in financial management are more self-sufficient and even richer, and they are self-discipline, brave, optimistic, happy and contented; More children of financial amateurs cannot be self-sufficient, spend more, plan less for the future, have lower self-esteem, and are more anxious. If the grandchildren still spend more, there is no wealth inheritance, and the situation is not optimistic.

In general, financial professionals have a higher awareness, and example teaching is better than precept teaching. Although wealth is given to the younger generation, it is given out of love, even responsibility and goodwill, but it is more rewarding for independent thinking behavior, strengthening the self-discipline, ambition and independence of the younger generation; Be more rational and methodical in handling your wealth.


The guiding principle of some millionaires is simple: earn more and spend less, use the surplus for investment, and let the wealth grow over time. This important study also highlights the impact of some major life decisions on wealth accumulation, such as choosing a spouse, career and living place. These conclusions support the father's financial outlook: find your favorite career, work hard, save for the future, and finally enjoy your work with friends and family.

The rich people whose children have achieved success have given us a lot of valuable information about how to raise their children. Here are some of their guiding principles:

1. Never tell their children that their parents are rich.

2. No matter how rich you are, teach your children self-discipline and thrift.

3. Don't let children realize that you are rich until they have established a mature and self-discipline adult lifestyle or a successful career.

4. Try not to discuss the inheritance that each child or grandchild will inherit in the future or the items received as gifts.

5. Never give cash or valuable gifts as part of bargaining with adult children. Give out of love, even responsibility and kindness.

6. Do not interfere in the family affairs of adult children.

7. Don't try to compete with children.

8. Always remember that your child is an individual.

9. Emphasize children's achievements, no matter how small, rather than emphasizing their or your symbols of success.

I don't care what others have, but I appreciate their achievements. Always strive to be the best in your field... Don't pursue money. If you are the best in your field, money will find you.

10. Tell your child that there are many things more valuable than money in the world.

Health, longevity, happiness, close family, self-reliance, close friends... (With) 5 of them, you are a rich person... because you have reputation, respect, integrity, honesty and successful experience!

come from Her financial management Android client
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