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#Living in the present Smile's good reading time

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 19 posts ・ 175 participants

 Live in the moment, Smile

2024 Reading List

80 copies

✓ 1. Six EQs


2. Office Meeting for Document Handling

3. Pride and Prejudice

4. Zhang Ailing 5 books

5. The Moon and Sixpence

17. Oliver Twist

✓ 18. Two copies of The Road to Financial Freedom


19. Ghost Valley

✓ 20, Gorky 3 books

22. Red and Black

✓ 23. Harvard Family Instructions

24. Four short stories

28. Plague

29. A Tale of Two Cities

30. Zeng Guofan

✓ 31. Out of the Sky

32. Sun Tzu's Art of War

✓ 33. Simple Statistics

34. Notre Dame de Paris

✓ 35. Minimal Statistics

36. Crime and Punishment

37. Cowherd

38. Lu Xun's Works Collection

39. Children of Captain Grant

✓ 40. "One sentence is worth ten thousand sentences"

41. Wuthering Heights

42. Mind Map

✓ 43. Fifteen Years of Wanli

44. Biography of Napoleon

✓ 45. Argument


It is also very important to do the test. Do both things together. No pains, no gains.

✓ 46. Two Cartoon Illustrations

47. Two Harvard Girls

50. Second brush of Promotion

51. Second brush of Upward Management

52. Ideal country, second brush

53. Water of the Waves, Second Brush

54. Rockefeller's autobiography, two brushes

55. Carnegie Autobiography, Second Brush

56. Second brush of Thinking and Getting Rich

✓ 57. Administration


Supervision law, office and logistics, management

✓ 58. Two volumes of Temporary Duty


Living in the present, opportunity cost, original intention

✓ 60. Second brush of Chinese Rules


✓ 61. "We live in a huge gap"

✓ 62 "I'm not a catalog"


The electronic version is actually scanning the alma mater's book collection!

Great, my alma mater!

A very petty bourgeois author

The premise is that it really needs a lot of money

Can afford to hire an aunt

✓ 63. Achieve the Best of Yourself


The economic base determines the superstructure

Read more good books

Choose clothes that suit you

Don't try to lose weight

✓ 66. 3 copies of Office Work Notes

✓ 69, "Echo Master" 3 books

✓ 70. Fatherly Entrepreneurship without Failure


✓ 77. Second brush of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"


I found that many of my good habits overlap with the content in the book, or I learned many good habits from the book.

For example, Confucius put forward the idea of knowing oneself and the enemy long ago. Therefore, there are many foreigners who like to study the works of Confucius, Mencius, Han Lao and others in China.

Classic never goes out of style.

come from Her financial management Android client
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