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#What do you recommend for sunscreen in summer

come from Pretending Research Room ・ 59 posts ・ 302 participants

 If time could go back

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 If time could go back
If time could go back If time could go back 2022-05-07 22:44 Reading (9135)

Nowadays, there are a variety of sunscreen products, how to say? I think that's the same thing with several big brands of sunscreen products I use. In fact, I feel that some of them are really oily, and some of them are really good to put on. Then there is the pf70. After using it for a period of time, it was the same thing. Later, it was switched to Anresa. It was also very greasy. When I threw it on my face, I felt very greasy. I don't like the current one. Basically, it's the same time. I also daub some. Well, I think the public sunscreen is almost the same.

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