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Cainv Reading Association fifty-eight thousand five hundred and forty-four Sister 21987 Posts

The Miracle of Getting Up Early

Emmaemma Emmaemma 2022-04-14 16:30 Reading (898)

I spent some time reading the e-book "The Miracle of Early Rise".

After the beginning of spring in Beijing, the day broke early and the temperature became warmer. It's much easier to get up early now than in winter. Therefore, influenced by this book, plus the hope for more small progress to be achieved in 2022, I began to insist on getting up early and cultivate the habit of getting up early.

The author of "The Miracle of Getting Up Early" shared the formation of the habit of getting up early, the gains it brings, and the impact it brings on their own life, work, and health, making people believe that getting up early is right.

On the whole, the book is inspirational. The author mentioned the changes and miracles that happened through getting up early in the low ebb period, Sleep problems, what to do when getting up early, how to get up early, and many other early rising problems that everyone cares about are described in the book.

The essence of the book is "6 minutes of magic early rising"

🌟 Get up early - the first minute: peace of mind or meditation or gratitude

🌟 Get up early - the second minute: recite the declaration of self affirmation loudly

🌟 Get up early - the third minute: enjoy imagining the future

🌟 Get up early - the fourth minute: write down something you are grateful for

🌟 Get up early - the fifth minute: read a page quietly

🌟 Get up early - the sixth minute: get moving

The above 6 items are basically the mini version of the Magic Early Rise Plan, which clearly lists the early rise items. Meditation and exercise are what I'm doing now, and I feel good. It's a "wonderful day again, full of energy" experience.

I hope we can keep the good state of getting up early and strive for more time and output every day.

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