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#Self rescue guide for hair loss prevention

come from Pretending Research Room ・ 16 posts ・ 34 participants

 Ziqi Purple

Tips for reducing hair loss

 Ziqi Purple
Ziqi Purple Ziqi Purple 2021-10-14 21:38 Reading (1434)

I have 30+long, soft hair and love to produce oil. I am a perennial hair loss group. It is useless to use various shampoos and nourishing liquids.

The main cause of hair loss is the internal lack of blood and life. Internal recuperation is a slow project, and I will talk to you later.

Today, let's talk about how to reduce hair loss through shampoo, which is temporary but effective!

 NO Traditional shampoo sequence:

① Shampoo

② Hair conditioner

③ Blow dry

④ Comb hair

 give the thumbs-up Reduce hair loss Shampoo sequence:

① Comb hair

② Hair conditioner

③ Shampoo

④ Blow dry

In this order, although hair loss also occurs, it is much less than the first traditional shampoo. And the hair is smooth (because of the conditioner) and not flat (because of the conditioner first)

She is very friendly to girls with thin and soft hair, oily scalp, dry hair tail and little hair volume!!!

You can have a try


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