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#Fraud prevention reminder

come from Official announcement ・ 3 posts ・ 146 participants

 Investment Assistant

Important! Beware of cheats who add friends in the name of her financial staff!

 Investment Assistant
Investment Assistant Investment Assistant 2021-06-21 20:25 Reading (4241)

Hello, honey~

Recently, there have been many feedbacks from Caimi that someone has added WeChat friends in the name of "her financial APP staff", and the source is "adding by searching mobile phone number", as shown below:

Her financial management reminds everyone here, These are cheats, please do not add!

If it has been added, please black it out immediately.

Do not believe any information sent by the liar!

Please do not click on any link sent by the fraudster, or scan any QR code sent by the fraudster, to avoid damage to the funds.

In addition, her financial management has never and cannot disclose the information of her financial honey - because it is not good for her financial management. We, like everyone, hate these cheats!

It is understood that one of the possible reasons for the current speculation is that,

Some apps obtain mobile phone permissions, can identify which apps are installed by the mobile phone owner, and can obtain the mobile phone number of the device.

If criminals obtain this information through some channels, they will cheat in the name of some APP staff.

Similar fraud, including but not limited to:

1. Some cheats added friends in the name of the courier to pull groups to cheat.

2. Some fraudsters added friends in the name of staff of securities companies such as Huatai Securities to pull groups to cheat.

3. Some cheats added friends to contact for refund in the name of Taobao customer service to defraud.

Wait, wait, wait.

If there is a similar situation with Caimi, please don't believe it. Please also tell each other and remind each other!

thank! thank!

Just look at the owner
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