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#[Column] Honey_Jane | Read good books together

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Improve Vision: Say goodbye to glasses

Honey_Jane Honey_Jane 2021-01-02 11:09 Reading (3269)

Author: [UK] Jonathan Burns

This book introduces Bates vision improvement method Simple and practical It doesn't need any professional knowledge or complicated instruments. It only needs a set of graded vision training tables and a series of exercises to help you recover your vision safely and naturally, such as palm massage, sunshine, pencil visual games, transfer movement, etc. Practicing for half an hour every day can help improve your eyesight. This method is not only suitable for myopia, but also for hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. Thousands of people who have practiced Bates' method have successfully removed their glasses and improved their eyesight.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical knowledge, and the second part is key practice methods. The author suggests that we You can read the second part first , if these methods are effective, you can Read each chapter and practice at your own pace The author also points out in the book that all of Bates' methods are very effective in some cases, but they do not work in other cases, so we can try all of them first, and then find suitable ones to practice.

Here are some methods that I am sticking to practice. Although I haven't seen any effect yet, I feel that eye fatigue has been alleviated.

1、 Reduce the time to wear glasses

The first step to restore vision is Remove glasses Ophthalmologists also admit that people with vision problems, Even without glasses, there will be no harm to glasses According to the book, if you didn't wear glasses from the beginning, the situation would be much better. But it's not that I don't wear glasses at all, but try to remove them when I don't need them. If your eyesight is too weak to wear glasses, make a schedule to shorten the time of wearing glasses every day by 15-20 minutes.

Wearing glasses when getting up in the morning is an unconscious behavior of many people , just started Not wearing glasses in the morning may not be suitable, but try to overcome it and gradually get used to it Me, too. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to look for glasses. Now half a month later, I'm getting used to not wearing glasses in the morning. In fact, it's not as hard as I thought. Usually, I try to take off my glasses when I commute or walk to let myself get used to it slowly. In fact, we just can't see things in the distance, rather than having no vision at all Traffic lights and so on can be distinguished, but we must pay attention to safety, there is no need to wear glasses without glasses.

2、 Palm massage

Close your eyes and let them rest Is what Dr. Bates advocated“ Palm massage ”, specific operation: Gently close your eyes, and then cover your palms on your eyes to prevent any light from entering your eyes, while keeping your eyes from any pressure The palm is gently placed on the cheek, and the fingers cover the forehead. This action requires Sit to finish The elbow needs something to support, which can be the table in front of us or the thick mat on the knee.

If you can, choose that you will not be disturbed Quiet time and place Try your best to relax the overstressed muscles in the face, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body. You can also listen to the radio or think freely, but don't think about unhappy things.

At least 4 minutes, 5 minutes is better , such palm massage needs Repeat three to five times And take it as the basis of daily exercises. If you don't have such a whole period of time, you can also use sporadic time to relax your eyes even if it takes a few seconds.

In addition, when we do this exercise, the darkness in front of us is a measure of vision. Visually remember the darkest things you can imagine - black fur, black velvet, ink, etc., and then quickly imagine them in your mind.

3、 Sunshine method: let the eyes bask in the sun

Photophobia refers to over sensitivity to light, that is, people can't help squinting when they see the sun, and in serious cases, they need to wear sunglasses all the time. Most people in modern times spend most of their time indoors, so photophobia can be alleviated through the rule of sunshine.

The so-called sunshine method is Close your eyes and let the sun shine at first First receive half a minute of sunshine, then massage with the palm until the image in the field of vision disappears completely, repeat twice or three times The next time you practice the sunshine method, you can extend the time slightly, and repeat the action one more time, slowly increasing the amount of sunshine at most 20 times each time.

If photophobia is serious, You can choose to close your eyes and face the clear sky , and then gradually transition. When there is no sunlight, you can choose to practice indoors with an ordinary household bulb (150 watts).

Whether you practice indoors or outdoors, Move your head slowly In this way, the light can evenly shine on the cells of each retina. The simplest way is to shake your head from side to side, keep the angle at 90 degrees or slightly larger, and take 7 to 10 seconds to complete a head turn.

4、 Blink and breathe

When the eyes are excessively used, such as staring at the screen for a long time, the eyes and the body usually stay still to a certain extent, The frequency of blinking is reduced, breathing is shallow, and the head, neck, and shoulders become stiff and tense.

When we realize this, The first thing to do is blink Try Blink six times quickly and slightly, then close your eyes gently and repeat four times It is appropriate to blink two or four times every 10 seconds. Take a few minutes to practice every day whenever you think about it. If you feel you blink too little, please blink more frequently.

In the same way, we should learn to Pay attention to your breathing habits As long as you realize that you are holding your breath, whether you want to see things clearly or concentrate, please tell yourself to resume normal breathing.

5、 Outdoor activities

Every day to outdoor activities, let Eyes keep looking back and forth from far to near , this method The effect is better for people with myopia It's better to go out for a walk when the sun is shining, Consciously look at distant objects Carefully observe small objects when you are alone, such as leaves, flowers or pebbles with your naked eyes.

When indoors, remember to constantly change your attention When reading a book, look up at other things every few moments, such as looking up at distant things after reading a long paragraph or a page. Turn on the light when watching TV, and at the same time, take your eyes off the screen from time to time to look at other things near or far away.

Write at the end: As an old myopic, he has worn glasses for 15 years, and his degree has slowly increased since graduation. At present, it is 650 degrees, and he wears glasses for 14 hours every day. He has basically worn glasses since he got up in the morning. He has completely relied on glasses, and occasionally wears contact lenses, The purpose of reading this book is not to feel that you can take off your glasses immediately through this method, but to gradually reduce the time of wearing glasses through daily persistence and practice, so that your eyes will not be so tired, and if you can, try not to expand.


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