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#[Column] Honey_Jane | Read good books together

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One Minute Habits of Wonderful Life: Small Habits, Great Changes (II)

Honey_Jane Honey_Jane 2020-11-28 09:42 Reading (1897)

Author: [Japan] Chong Xingzi

  In this book, the author shared his little habits about health, life and living environment to help us live a better life. She said:

I want to be a "life master". I hope that my environment will become more precious and enriched no matter in housework, work or other aspects

Work and leisure, mind and body, shelter and rest, housework and hobbies... Do not clearly distinguish the boundaries of these things, and sing praises of every day with vitality with the pursuit and dream of life.

I prefer the simple and elegant life that can make my heart tranquil to the breathtaking luxury life.

I hope to live a beautiful and intellectual life filled with dreams, enthusiasm and adventure every day, with gratitude and love.

If I can, I hope I can always keep a happy and peaceful mood. "

Previously, I shared some habits about life and psychology One Minute Habits of Wonderful Life , this time to share about home habits.

Even if it takes a lot of time and energy, it is not possible to clean up the house so that anyone can feel beautiful and comfortable. It is better to use effective methods in a short time, so that you will not be exhausted physically and mentally, and you can get a comfortable and clean room.

A clean and beautiful house can improve the quality of life and make life more colorful.

1. One minute housework · Suggestions on cleaning

First, find out what housework and cleaning can be done in one minute in your daily life, and then put it into action little by little.

2. One minute housework before cleaning

① Arrange a fixed position for the articles and put them in place after use.

② Before you buy something, think about where you want to put it.

③ Don't worry about "throwing" or "not throwing" anymore. The key is to decide not to buy.

When I want to buy something new, I will first order myself to "stop", and then seriously consider whether it is necessary for me.

Come to think of it carefully, nine of the things I want to buy are unnecessary.

④ I often say to myself that we must make the best use of everything.

3. 70% storage principle

The ratio of items held to storage space remains at 70% is most suitable. In this way, everything can be seen at a glance, and good ventilation can make items more durable.

The most important thing is to move the items to the free side when cleaning, so that you can easily clean the dirt and dust in the space vacated.

4. Basic daily habits

Because I don't want to occupy too much time for housework, I will arrange the necessary housework and cleaning into my action mode every day. For example:

The rubbish and articles dropped on the floor must be picked up immediately.

Underwear and socks are washed every day and never saved.

The bed sheets, pillowcases, pajamas, towels, etc. shall be washed once a week, and the date of washing shall be decided in advance.

Make balanced meals three times a day.

Wash the dishes carefully. When the quantity is small, wash it by hand first, and then use the dishwasher.

The kitchen sink and washbasin in the bathroom and other places where water is used should always be kept clean. My principle is to wipe immediately where it is dirty, and wipe it immediately after use.

Put away your shoes when you get home, and put away the shoes you wore yesterday when you go out.

5. Open the window after getting up in the morning

The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is to open the window.

In addition to windy days, even on cloudy and rainy days, I will open the window and take a long, deep breath.

After fully bathing in fresh air, the body will produce the vitality of "work hard today".

6. Simply make the bed after getting up

7. Keep the place where water is used clean

The secret to keep the place where water is used clean is to "wipe" it immediately after use.

After washing your face in the bathroom, wipe all the water in the bathroom with a dry rag.

Also check the mirror for stains.

Clean the sink, sink, mirror and faucet together.

While brushing your teeth, check the cosmetics and small objects around the wash basin, arrange them neatly, and wipe them immediately if they are dirty.

Change towels frequently and put slippers in order.

8. Take a hot bath in the morning

Take a quick shower in the morning A hot bath will wipe out the drowsiness and tiredness of the previous day, and generate the drive to "work hard today".

After showering, use A little hot water washes the walls and the ground Noodles can not only wash away flying water drops and soap foam, but also effectively prevent scale and mildew.

Then use Dry the shower head and faucet full of steam and water drops with a dry rag

To avoid steam accumulation in the house, Turn on the ventilator or open the window, Close it when you go out.

In order to keep the toilet clean, Frequent ventilation It's very important. In fact Wipe water drops and dirt in time

9. Kitchen work done "by the way"

If you develop the habit of "doing housework by the way" in busy mornings, your body will unconsciously form a conditioned reflex, which can greatly save time for doing housework every day.

Wipe kitchen counter

Wipe the kettle: Wipe the kettle with a wet rag after boiling water. Wipe when the kettle still has residual heat, which can effectively remove stains.

Wipe the refrigerator door: When opening the refrigerator, wipe the refrigerator door with a wet cloth dipped in hot water. The inside of the refrigerator door should also be wiped.

Cooking and cleaning are carried out at the same time: Clean up the dirty place while cooking.

After the stove is used

When frying in a pan, the oil will splash everywhere.

If you wipe the walls and around the stove immediately after cooking, the oil just spilled can be wiped off with a light wipe.

When boiling, the soup spilled on the stove should also be cleaned immediately.

Wrap wet rags around long chopsticks to make operation easier.

After the sink is used

There are a lot of water drops in the sink after washing dishes and dishes, which should be wiped clean with a dry rag in time. If left unchecked, these drops will become stubborn scale that is difficult to eradicate in the future.

After using the pan and spoon

After frying, utensils such as frying pans and spoons should be cleaned when there is still residual heat, and cleaned with a sponge. Just rub it gently with a sponge. Use a sponge brush while washing with hot water when the pot still has residual heat.

10. Keep your home clean

Check if there is garbage under the table

When reading on the desk or using the computer, check to see if there is any garbage at your feet. If there is, pick it up and throw it away immediately.

clean the desk

Wipe the table with a wrung cloth before and after use.

Clean the dust on TV and audio equipment

The TV screen is easy to get static electricity, dust and fingerprints.

Before turning on the TV, wipe the TV screen with a dry rag.

Wipe the door handle

When there are many handprints on the metal door handle, the whole room will look dirty. Wipe the handprint on the door handle immediately.

Stair handrail

Put the duster cloth on the handrail, press the duster cloth to go up and down the stairs, and the handrail will become clean.

The handrail of the stairs is particularly dirty after being stained with handprints. In summer, it should be wiped 2-3 times a week with water to keep the handrail fresh and clean.

Before going to bed

In order to welcome the next morning with a happy mood, I will clean the places I used before leaving.

Think of it as one minute training before going to bed, and you won't feel burdened.

Wipe the kitchen floor

Even though the kitchen floor looks clean, after cooking for a day, there are a lot of invisible dust and dirt on the floor.

After cleaning up the dinner dishes and preparing for the next day, I will wipe the kitchen floor with a wet rag.

In this way, you can start breakfast work smoothly when you come to the kitchen the next day.

Put the towels in order in the bathroom

After brushing your teeth before going to bed, wipe the water around the wash basin and rearrange the towels.

Put the shoes in order at the entrance

Before going to bed, I will confirm whether the door is closed, turn off the light at the entrance, and put the shoes in order.

11. Get ready

When doing housework, it is important to think about what preparations should be made for the next housework.

When preparing breakfast, I began to think about "what should I have for lunch".

At this time, you may suddenly think of a good idea to use the leftovers from breakfast for lunch or dinner.

I will cook more vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, and use the rest to make other vegetables, which can save a lot of preparation time.

For example, when I am very busy and have no time to cook, I will mix the vegetables I cooked beforehand with the salad I bought from the underground supermarket of the mall, which is not only effortless but also nutritious.

Finish the preparation of breakfast the next day while cooking dinner.

Cut vegetables such as tomatoes and lettuce for salad and put them into containers for refrigeration.

Boil more eggs at a time. The boiled eggs can be used for many kinds of cooking.

When cooking curry, cook more at one time. After being frozen, it can be used to make many dishes, such as curry rice, curry fried rice, curry flavored pickles, etc.

12. Happy life

From getting up in the morning to going to bed at night, living a regular life with sunrise and sunset every day is conducive to maintaining physical and mental health.

I have my own big principles in terms of happy lifestyle, so I can give full play to the power of 1 minute housework.

① Laundry and clean your room frequently to make everyone look clean.

② If you don't pursue perfect housework methods, you will not be able to do everything for a long time if you force too much. Finally, you will be exhausted physically and mentally, and will not get a sense of achievement.

③ Maintain a balanced diet and adequate sleep, and develop the habit of exercising properly whenever and wherever possible.

④ Give the room a full ventilation. Open the ventilator or window to let moisture and dust escape.


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