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#Recommended books I read this holiday

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 153 posts ・ 667 participants


After listening to "I decide to live simply"

Ryein Ryein 2020-10-07 23:45 Reading (1948)

When he returned to his hometown on the 8th National Day, his younger brother always forced himself to read paper books to improve himself. I also downloaded the Himalayas on a whim. When I saw my subscription of "I want to live simply" three years ago, I clicked to listen to it. Unexpectedly, I listened to 122 episodes.

This book was written by a Japanese minimalist. At first, he said that he was born in a "garbage house" and started a new life after continuous separation.

In the book, the author emphasizes the difference between "necessary" and "wanted". For example, the sorting and perception of goods after the earthquake always reminds me of the Japanese TV play "My Home is Empty". I have watched this TV play twice, but although it is not beautiful, I feel deeply. The hostess was also born in the "garbage house", but she walked on the road of leaving. She envied her spacious and bright living room, her simple and decisive attitude towards abandoning things, and the author of "I decide to live simply", who only needed 30 seconds to move and clean up. I probably had to spend at least three days and three nights.

After listening to the book "I decide to live simply", I sorted out my room and hung some autumn clothes on the idle fish. Some clothes with poor quality are always kept with the idea that they can make do. If they are sold as waste products, they will cost 0.8 yuan per kilogram. I am a little reluctant, but in fact, there are few opportunities to keep them.

Many items can easily bring feelings when they are separated. For example, this shell wind chime was sent by an ex boyfriend, that purple hourglass was sent by a schoolboy, and Apple IPOD was sent by a Korean friend, The F4 photo album carries my youth years, as well as the zodiac gift my father brought back from Beijing, the notebook he gave me when I first applied for a credit card, the photo album of my classmates during my study period, Korean textbooks and notes, and some books borrowed from my classmates that have not yet been returned... It is difficult to simply and decisively abandon them once they are brought into love, Therefore, I especially envy the decisiveness of minimalists.

The author of "I decide to live simply" said that he used to live in a house of 25 square meters. After leaving the house, he felt that the house of 25 square meters was too big. He moved to a house of 20 square meters. Later, he felt that the house of 20 square meters was too big, and he was going to move to a smaller house. The transition from 25 square meters to 20 square meters can save 20000 yen of rent per month.

The single room rental house I currently rent is almost a dozen square meters, which is extremely crowded. All kinds of goods, books, clothes, etc. are piled up everywhere. I always think it is because the room is too small. Ten years ago, when I just graduated from college, the house I rented was about 20 square meters and was surrounded by wardrobes and lockers. At that time, the chaos and crowding often made me afraid to receive friends' visits. Every time, I had to dig a space on a bed full of debris that could only accommodate my body and sleep with debris. Every move is a very difficult mode for me. Although I have been in contact with the concept of separation for more than three years, moving is still difficult.

I was also born in the "garbage house", and my family is not good at cleaning up. Every time I pick up and use things, I always put them away. I occasionally clean them up, and they will return to their original shape in a few days. I also like collecting them. Seeing the picture of the early female owner and her family eating together in a crowded restaurant in My Home Is Empty, I felt very impressed, as if that was also the epitome of my life, I have always blamed this crowding on the small home.

Now we have moved into a small western-style house with a total area of 360 square meters in the countryside. Everyone has his own room. My goods are still the most after several breaks.

Injecting emotion into an object will make you reluctant to throw it away, and the biggest obstacle for minimalists is their inability to throw it away.

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