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Administrator: Caimi Reading
 Xuanhe's Reading Record

#Xuanhe's Reading Record

Check the human affairs every year, but reading is not the only thing.
16 posts 33 people participated in the discussion
 Xiao Shu's Reading Notes

#Xiao Shu's Reading Notes

Want to be rich, read more and practice more
6 posts 25 people participated in the discussion
  •  Smile 777
    About consumption&investment&chicken baby&making money

    About consumption&investment&chicken baby&making money Today is the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, because there is an urgent job that needs to be handled by the company, I just read an article on the public account on the subway, which is very well written. Let's share our encouragement! 1. About consumption: in a bad environment, keep your wallet under control and cut your hands less

     About consumption&investment&chicken baby&making money
    Smile 777 09-15 #A sea of books with a pleasant 777 Reply 2
  •  Xuanhe
    2416 The generation of sage: Zhang Liang

    How perfect Zhang Liang's life is! It is a model that everyone envies. First of all, I am afraid it is because he has set up a lofty ideal. Zhang Liang loved his country and people. When he learned etiquette in Huaiyang, he agreed with the rational theory of Confucianism, and deeply understood the "root of prosperity and decline, the discipline of governance". Secondly, it is related to his wisdom. Zhang Liang's knowledge structure

     2416 The generation of sage: Zhang Liang
    Xuanhe 09-06 #Xuanhe's Reading Record Reply 0
  •  Xuanhe
    2415 Rich Dad Poor Dad

    Read this book and know a word - financial quotient! The form of the story. First reading feeling ink, the consistent feeling of foreign works. After all the others went in, I felt that the words were really down to earth. It is more enlightening to read comments. This sentence in the preamble hit the nail on the head: "The reason why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer

     2415 Rich Dad Poor Dad
    Xuanhe 09-05 #Xuanhe's Reading Record Reply 2
  •  Miss Huohuo
    Summary of Reading Negotiation Power

    The translated book is always awkward, with strange wording. I have finally read the Negotiation Power which has been on the computer for a long time. As a saying goes, the West will always turn this practical book into a theory. This book is useful, but not very useful. General negotiation is divided into several steps: analysis: collect and analyze information, judge

    Miss Huohuo 09-05 #My Reading Tips Reply 0
  •  The Mighty
    2024-9-1 Buying is really happy

    Recently, my brother and his family came over for a few days of home leave to accompany them to go shopping with them every day, taste food, drink, buy clothes, 20000 steps a day, go to Pangdong, and do a first-class high-speed railway seat, without doing any housework. I am in a very good mood, not depressed at all, and my sleep quality has also improved significantly. The first night, direct one

    The Mighty 09-01 #Become a better self - weekly summary Reply 13
  •  Xuanhe
    2414 Flowering direction

    Like prose, it doesn't take too long to read it. It is also easy to write, from 200 words to 500, 500 words to 700, 800 words. As long as you have the idea, everything goes well. This book is mainly about the prose of kinship, and when reading it, it starts from the writing technique. I prefer "Sunflower in Qingqing Garden"《

     2414 Flowering direction
    Xuanhe 08-26 #Xuanhe's Reading Record Reply 0
  •  Yue'er bends
    Improve a little eloquence and social etiquette every day (Note 12)

    1. The unity of content and form: (1) Content: purposeful, reasonable, emotional, high and tasteful (being a noble person, breaking away from low-grade interests, and being a tasteful person). Tongue twister: I will take the melon basket over the wide ditch to see the strange dog, just look at the strange dog melon basket button, melon roll basket button

    Yue'er bends 08-22 Reply 0
  •  Xuanhe
    2413 24 solar terms and 72 phenology

    The 24 solar terms are popularized with pictures and texts. The phenology of solar terms and the knowledge of solar term health care are convenient for readers to deeply understand the subtle changes of different solar terms, feel the beauty of nature, guide readers to observe nature and feel the solar terms, and the corresponding health care knowledge popularizes certain TCM pharmacology knowledge and practical guidance. At the same time, during the reading process

     2413 24 solar terms and 72 phenology
    Xuanhe 08-13 #Xuanhe's Reading Record Reply 0
  •  The Mighty
    On the Retrograde Life of Watching Films on August 12, 2024

    Yesterday, I watched the movie of retrograde life with Wa. The film is about Gao Zhilei, a laid-off employee in a large factory, who was sent to take delivery in order to keep his house. In the end, everyone was happy, and the hero Gao Zhilei entered the delivery company to write code as he wished. I have two deep feelings. First, every job is difficult

    The Mighty 08-12 #Become a better self - weekly summary Reply 4
  •  Just want to save money and become rich
    2024-8-9 Character Puzzle: How to Expand Your Comfort Circle

    People who are not in a hurry show a higher sense of authority than those who are in a hurry! Conclusion: I am a man and my husband is an E

     2024-8-9 Character Puzzle: How to Expand Your Comfort Circle
    Just want to save money and become rich 08-09 #Reading notes that only want to save money to become rich Reply 0
  •  Xuanhe
    2412 Biography of Zeng Guofan

    Zeng Guofan, the first scholar in the Qing Dynasty who was granted the title of Wu Hou, had a rough and tortuous life and made countless achievements. From childhood to the highest official level, Zeng Gong followed the family's teachings. He was promoted by Bole and favored by Emperor Daoguang. He also suffered from the distrust of Emperor Xianfeng, and was deeply guarded by Emperor Tongzhi and Cixi. Although we have worked hard

     2412 Biography of Zeng Guofan
    Xuanhe 08-09 #Xuanhe's Reading Record Reply 3
  •  Small trees 520
    Counterattack Diary of College Entrance Examination

    By Liao Heng, this is a novel written by interviewing the real events of Xueba in Northern Qing Dynasty. The protagonist of the novel, Yang Tingting, was at the bottom of the exam in the third grade of senior high school. She liked playing games and wanted to become famous by playing games. She made careful preparations for this. Unexpectedly, the results of the game did not meet expectations. She was hit by reality and was

     Counterattack Diary of College Entrance Examination
    Small trees 520 08-06 #Xiao Shu's Reading Notes Reply 6
  •  Xuanhe
    2411 Biography of Ouyang Xiu

    This book is a biography that deeply analyzes the life of Ouyang Xiu, a litterateur and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty. This book is based on Ouyang Xiu's ups and downs in life, and his poetry works are the latitude. It not only fully shows his ups and downs in life, but also shows his valuable literary spirit. Ouyang Xiu's success factors include his mother's pattern, the trend of the times, and his vision

     2411 Biography of Ouyang Xiu
    Xuanhe 08-06 #Xuanhe's Reading Record Reply 0
  •  Honey_Jane
    Sugar Control Revolution: 10 Tips for Easily Controlling Blood Sugar

    Author: [France] Jesse Anzospe's blood sugar level, that is, the amount of glucose in the blood. We get most of the glucose from the food we eat. The glucose enters the cells through the blood. The concentration of glucose in the blood fluctuates greatly throughout the day, and a sharp increase in the concentration (called peak glucose) will affect me

     Sugar Control Revolution: 10 Tips for Easily Controlling Blood Sugar
    Honey_Jane 08-04 #[Column] Honey_Jane | Read good books together Reply 0
  •  Flying Red Dragonfly
    Simple lunch fast food

    Usually, I buy food at noon (canteen or restaurant on the way home). Today, I bought food at the market after work. It was too sunny and I forgot to buy food when I went home. Find out a bag of pickled cabbage fish in the refrigerator with quail eggs and a little vermicelli from yesterday; Fried an egg and bean curd; Baked a steamed bun. Drink some more yogurt I bought before, and my son

     Simple lunch fast food
    Flying Red Dragonfly 07-30 #Reading&Essay Dragonfly Reply 0
  •  Smile 777
    Working PPT Should Do This Qin Yang

    Title: Working PPT should do this Author: Qin Yang's words and pictures are only for sharing working PPT, only "fast" can not break! This book seems to have taught me how to quickly make working PPT!! My work report data of last month has been painstakingly adjusted for a few hours, so it was possible

     Working PPT Should Do This Qin Yang
    Smile 777 07-27 #A sea of books with a pleasant 777 Reply 1
  •  What's the noise at the door
    How to chat with others after watching Poor Women in Tokyo

    Statement in advance: This post is not a feeling after reading, but a way of thinking that suddenly occurred to me. How did I internalize the book I read into thinking and expand it into conversation. This post is only for record, not necessarily correct, and is mainly for your own continuous summary and review. Maybe next year, I won't be thinking like this. Reading background: most

    What's the noise at the door 07-27 Reply 18
  •  Room of thermos
    Record books read in summer vacation in 2024

    After reading these novels: Gone with the Wind, Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Wuthering Heights, How Steel Was Tempered, Notre Dame de Paris, Les Miserables, Childhood in the World My University, I read these growth books: Time Management Happiness, The Way Few People Walk, Bottom Logic

    Room of thermos 07-27 Reply 0
  •  The Mighty
    2024-7-20 A disk is provided for pad

    It's very useful. It costs more than 200 yuan. If you go to other places in the future, you can also take this device to complete some work. During this period of time, I was very busy, and the weather was particularly sultry. In addition to the information provided by various auditors, the head of the department was forced to do things, and the cold and rhinitis, so I was very upset. The good thing is that the exercise lasts and the body

    The Mighty 07-20 #Become a better self - weekly summary Reply 0
  •  Yue'er bends
    Improve a little eloquence every day (Note 11)

    (1) Be patriotic, love language, love national flag, love patriotic songs! "Don't speak English between Chinese people" is right to learn English and speak English, but it is unnecessary to say it on some occasions. (2) Training of self-confidence a, training of self-confidence: looking in the mirror, looking at each other: not laughing, not blinking; The professor said seriously

    Yue'er bends 07-12 Reply 2