She manages money

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 Her financial client

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Pretending Research Room

ninety-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-seven Sisters 10848 posts

Professional rescue is not beautiful

There are only beauty and beauty techniques, devil figure cultivation techniques and ever-changing dressing magic

Whether you are a hot fashion mom, a white-collar worker, a homeeating girl or an elderly saint

This will be your secret garden to record your growth and witness your transformation

Click the link to view the annual classic beauty script!

The first lesson of dressing up: Goddess Clothing Management Refresher Course

The second lesson: Goddess of Devil Body Management

Beauty Lesson 3: Goddess No Blowing Bombs Can Break Perfect Skin Cultivation

Dressing up Lesson 4: Goddess's Beauty Classroom 1 - Mysterious Beauty

Dress up Lesson 5: Goddess Beauty Class 2 - Everything about cosmetics

Pretending Lesson 6: Goddess No's Handicapped Makeup Tutorial Video is Live

"Goddess's Impression Reward" When her financial goddess dress show was in progress

New Guide to Her Financial Community:
Little Her Novice Guide

Her financial community speech norms and post refinement standards:
Community speech norms and post refinement standards

Introduction to access to and rules for other currencies in her financial community:
Access and rules of other coins

Administrator: Meimei Jam
 Daily exercise record

#Daily exercise record

22 posts 51 people participated in the discussion
 Diet Lab

#Diet Lab

This experiment tries to find a balance between eating and subtracting
7 posts 52 people participated in the discussion
Group leader