She manages money

Sign in register
 Her financial client

Scan code to download directly

Save money to realize your dream

two hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-five Sisters 132717 posts

Budget, revenue and expenditure planning, saving plan, saving method, saving experience, saving record sharing!

52 week saving challenge, clock in every week

New Guide to Her Financial Community:
Little Her Novice Guide

Her financial community speech norms and post refinement standards:
Community speech norms and post refinement standards

Introduction to access to and rules for other currencies in her financial community:
Access and rules of other coins

Administrator: Little Secretary for Saving Money
 Strive to clear debts

#Strive to clear debts

1 post 11 people participated in the discussion
 After paying off the loan

#After paying off the loan

0 posts 0 people participated in the discussion