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Watching the billows across the sea | "peace" coat conceals the evil of "Taiwan independence" Lai Qingde's clumsy trick

2024-05-22 04:03:18 The Dagong Daily Author: Zhu Suiyi
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Is Taiwan's society satisfied with the inaugural speech of the new leader Lai Qingde? Just look at the performance of Taiwan stocks on the day of "520". On the morning of May 20, the Taiwan stock market rose nearly 80 points at the beginning of the opening period. But after Lai Qingde delivered his inaugural speech at 11 o'clock, especially the "new two countries theory" of "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other", Taiwan stock market turned sharply downward and dropped 156 points. Tourism and aviation stocks "turned from red to black" one after another. Later, funds under the Taiwan authority came into the market to "rescue the market", Taiwan stocks only stopped their decline at the end of the market, rising 13 points slightly. It can be seen from the "520" Taiwan shares suddenly plummeted like a roller coaster ride that the Taiwan market was quite dissatisfied with Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" route, resulting in panic and selling shares. The tourism and aviation stocks bear the brunt, of course, because the Lai Qingde authorities stubbornly adhere to the "Taiwan independence" position, refuse to improve cross-strait relations, and are unable to attract tourists and students from mainland China to Taiwan. Tourism and transportation related industries in the island are hard to turn. These related stocks fell in response, which is the biggest complaint against Lai Qingde's inaugural speech.

In his inaugural speech, Lai Qingde talked about "peace", saying that "Taiwan is the helmsman of world peace", "we have the ideal of pursuing peace", and "peace is the only option". However, the irony is that Lai Qingde is the source of the disaster that undermines the peace between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. As the leader of the Taiwan region and the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, he refused to accept the one China principle, distorted and denied the 1992 Consensus, falsely claimed that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not subordinate to each other", openly threw out the "new two countries theory", incited hatred of the mainland, obstructed and undermined cross-strait exchanges, cooperation, integration and development, and also colluded with external forces to create "two Chinas" in the international arena "One China, one Taiwan". Lai Qingde and the Democratic Progressive Party's pursuit of "independence" has led to tension in cross-strait relations, which is the biggest cancer endangering peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. He tried to cover the core of "Taiwan independence" with the cloak of "peace", but such a clumsy trick was seen through by the outside world.

During the past eight years, Tsai Ing wen of the Democratic Progressive Party refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus", pursued the "Taiwan independence" route, took many restrictive measures on cross Straits exchanges such as personnel exchanges, economic cooperation, youth exchanges, etc., and also had frequent links with the United States. The cross-strait line advocated by Lai Qingde in his inaugural speech is stronger and more arrogant than that of Tsai Ing wen. It can be predicted that the Lai authorities may take more and more strict measures to block cross-strait exchanges, and Xiao Meiqin, his deputy, has been associated with American politicians for many years. In August 2022, Pelosi Chantai, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, is said to be working behind Xiao Meiqin. In the next four years, under Xiao Meiqin's "threading the needle", the "US Taiwan linkage" is bound to become more frequent, especially in military affairs, the United States will use the opportunity of the Democratic Progressive Party's third consecutive ruling to accelerate the pace of building Taiwan into a "weapons depot".

Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin, one is "Taiwan independence Kim Sun" and the other is "American agent", under the governance of this "combination of two independence", the situation in the Taiwan Strait will be dragged into an unprecedented grim situation. However, since the DPP has lost its position as the largest party in the legislature, Lai Qingde cannot be as unruly as Tsai Ing wen used to be. In recent months, the Kuomintang, the People's Party and other opposition parties have deliberately abolished the "reverse osmosis law" that impedes cross-strait exchanges. All walks of life in Taiwan have also appealed to the Lai authorities for several days to put aside the one party ideology and improve cross-strait relations.

"Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it". Taiwan's mainstream public opinion wants peace rather than war, development rather than recession, exchange rather than separation, cooperation rather than confrontation. If Lai is still determined to destroy cross-strait relations and peace across the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan's public opinion will bite back at him.

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