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The "Halsey", which has stirred up the Taiwan Sea, has a big beginning!

2024-05-11 09:27:50 China News Network
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The US Army's Ali Burke class missile destroyer "Halsey" first sailed through the Taiwan Strait and made public hype, then illegally entered China's Xisha territorial waters. The PLA moved at the news of the police and immediately organized sea and air forces to give a firm response. On closer observation, we can see that this "habitual criminal" of the US warship, who has been incorrigible for many years, is exhausted and has many bad deeds.

Tian Junli, senior colonel of the Air Force, spokesman of the Southern Theater of Operations, said that on May 10, the US missile destroyer "Halsey" illegally entered the territorial waters of China's Xisha Islands without the approval of the Chinese government. The Chinese People's Liberation Army organized naval and air forces in the Southern Theater of Operations to track, monitor and warn them to leave according to law and regulations. The US's actions seriously violate China's sovereignty and security, which is another iron evidence of its "navigation hegemony" and "militarization of the South China Sea". It fully demonstrates that the US is an unmistakable "risk maker of security in the South China Sea" and the "biggest destroyer" of peace and stability in the South China Sea. The troops in the theater of operations are always on high alert and firmly safeguard national sovereignty and security and peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Two days ago, Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Warfare Zone, said that on May 8, the US missile destroyer Halsey sailed across the Taiwan Strait and made public hype. The eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has organized naval and air forces to monitor and alert the US ships' overflight operations throughout the whole process, and handled them according to law and regulations. The troops in the theater of operations always maintain a high level of vigilance and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security and regional peace and stability.

After checking the US military official website, chinanews. com found that as early as the end of August 2020, the "Halsey" had crossed the Taiwan Strait from north to south from Penghu Waterway. In addition, the ship also sailed into the South China Sea to carry out the so-called "free navigation", and participated in the large-scale joint military exercise of the US Japan "sword" with China as the imaginary enemy. It can be called a "habitual offender" and a "pioneer" of provocations against China.

Although the "Halsey" sailed through the Taiwan Strait and invaded the territorial waters of China's Xisha Islands without authorization, it still has a strong sense of provocation against China. However, through the recent developments of the ship, it is not difficult to see that the United States Navy and even the United States foreign policy are fierce.

In late February this year, the "Halsey" was still holding a joint exercise with the Indian Navy. It was revealed that one of the gunners on the ship died mysteriously within a month. For this reason, the US military also urgently arranged the "Psychiatric Rapid Intervention Special Group" to board the ship to provide psychological counseling for sailors. Then, on May 8, the ship sailed across the Taiwan Strait to support the DPP authorities.

It was also this time that the video and pictures released by the US military showed that the "Halsey" appeared to be in poor combat readiness: the gun barrel was covered with rust, the deck was stained with dirt, and sundries were piled up in disorder... The Los Angeles Times disclosed that the US Navy lost at least $3 billion annually due to the rust of its ships, No wonder the foreign media sighed that "the inadequacy of the maintenance of US ships has become a more serious challenge than that of China and Russia".

Normally, as a warship that entered service in July 2005 and was in its prime of life, "Halsey" should not have been so down and out. However, some data show that the ship's lax discipline and poor management have a criminal record. As early as November 2006, during the first overseas deployment, the "Halsey" caused a fire due to the drinking of the personnel on duty, resulting in a loss of 8.5 million dollars. In 2009 and 2011, two more crew members (including a female sergeant) of the ship were killed, and the cause of death is still unclear.

In recent years, the United States Navy ships frequently caught fire, collided with ships and even hit mountains. It is the hegemonic policy of the United States to intervene everywhere and fan the flames, and years of de industrialization that caused the "Halsey" to be unable to meet its needs from personnel to equipment.

According to the public information of the US military, the average overseas deployment time of the "Halsey" in recent years has exceeded 6 months, and its tracks are all over the South China Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific Ocean. It is not too much to call it "running from east to west, exhausted". For example, from April 10 to October 29, 2020, the "Halsey" spent nearly 7 months (202 days) wandering at sea before returning to its home port.

"Halsey" is just a microcosm. In fact, the entire US Navy, including 11 active aircraft carriers, is overloaded. Take the "Eisenhower" as an example. Since the Palestinian Israeli war has not ended, this American aircraft carrier responsible for supporting Israel has been on duty in the Middle East for more than 200 days.

China News Network also noticed a detail. Since 2022, the military units that have spoken about American ships sailing across the Taiwan Strait and intruding into China's Xisha territorial waters have gradually changed from the Ministry of Defense to the eastern and southern war zones. The profound connotation of this move is worth recalling, reflecting the determination and confidence of "defying opponents in tactics".

In those days, an American Aegis ship crossing the Taiwan Strait might make us face a formidable enemy. However, the exhausted "Halsey", no matter how arrogant it may be, including deliberately choosing to cross the Taiwan Strait on the same day when the Fujian Ship successfully made its maiden voyage back to Hong Kong, is no longer enough to be seen by the increasingly powerful People's Navy.

The bleak autumn wind has changed the world. Finally, I just want to ask: "Halsey", are you tired?

Editor in charge: Li Runxin

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