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US ships trespass on Xisha territorial waters, and the PLA warns to drive them away

2024-05-10 15:35:33 Southern theater
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Tian Junli, senior colonel of the Air Force, spokesman of the Southern Theater of Operations, said that on May 10, the US missile destroyer "Halsey" illegally entered the territorial waters of China's Xisha Islands without the approval of the Chinese government. The Chinese People's Liberation Army organized naval and air forces in the Southern Theater of Operations to track, monitor and warn them to leave according to law and regulations. The US's actions seriously violate China's sovereignty and security, which is another iron evidence of its "navigation hegemony" and "militarization of the South China Sea". It fully demonstrates that the US is an unmistakable "risk maker of security in the South China Sea" and the "biggest destroyer" of peace and stability in the South China Sea. The troops in the theater of operations are always on high alert and firmly safeguard national sovereignty and security and peace and stability in the South China Sea.
Editor in charge: Li Mengzhan

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