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 Ta Kung Pao Electronic Edition
 Putin: Russia is implementing a comprehensive refitting plan for land and navy
Putin: Russia is implementing a comprehensive refitting plan for land and navy
Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the special meeting on the development of Russian armed forces on the 18th that Russia is implementing a comprehensive plan of changing clothes on land and navy.
military China News Network 1 minute ago
 The Chinese and American militaries held a call with the leaders of the war zone
The Chinese and American militaries held a call with the leaders of the war zone
According to the consensus reached by the heads of state of the United States and China at their meeting in San Francisco, Wu Yanan, commander of the southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, held a video call with Paparo, commander of the US Indo Pacific Headquarters on the morning of September 10, and the two sides exchanged in-depth views on issues of common concern.
military WeChat official account "released by the Ministry of Defense" 09-10 11:42
 The Russian army will participate in the Chinese "North United 2024" exercise
The Russian army will participate in the Chinese "North United 2024" exercise
According to the annual plan and the consensus between China and Russia, the Russian army will send naval and air forces in September to participate in the "North United 2024" exercise held by China in the Sea of Japan and Okhotsk sea territory.
military WeChat official account "released by the Ministry of Defense" 09-09 13:27
 The PLA is scheduled to organize live fire drills on our side of the China Myanmar border from 27th to 29th
The PLA is scheduled to organize live fire drills on our side of the China Myanmar border from 27th to 29th
According to the annual training plan, a department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is scheduled to organize live fire drills on our side of the China Myanmar border from August 27 to 29, 2024. Vehicles and personnel entering the area should obey traffic control.
military Yunnan Provincial People's Government Website 08-26 10:47
 Israeli warplanes launched air strikes on Lebanon's border areas
Israeli warplanes launched air strikes on Lebanon's border areas
Late at night on the 28th local time, the reporter from the General Radio learned that Israeli warplanes had launched air strikes in southern Lebanon near the temporary border between the two countries. It is unclear whether this is related to the large-scale military retaliation by the Israeli army.
military CCTV 07-29 11:46
 US Central Command: "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier has been deployed to the operational area of the US Fifth Fleet
US Central Command: "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier has been deployed to the operational area of the US Fifth Fleet
On July 28 local time, the US Central Command issued a communiqu é stating that the US aircraft carrier "Roosevelt" was deployed to the operational area of the US Fifth Fleet.
military CCTV 07-29 10:50
 The United States will deploy long-range weapons in Germany from 2026
The United States will deploy long-range weapons in Germany from 2026
On July 10 local time, the United States and Germany said in a joint statement that the United States would deploy long-range firepower in Germany in stages from 2026.
military China News Network 07-11 10:58
 China and Laos Army to Hold "Friendship Shield - 2024" Joint Exercise
China and Laos Army to Hold "Friendship Shield - 2024" Joint Exercise
According to the annual plan and the consensus between China and Laos, the Chinese and Lao armies will hold the "Friendship Shield - 2024" joint exercise in Laos in the first half of July.
military China News Network 07-03 09:47
 North Korea successfully tests new tactical ballistic missile
North Korea successfully tests new tactical ballistic missile
The Korean Missile General Administration successfully launched the new tactical ballistic missile "Martian Gun-11C-45" on the 1st, which can carry 45 ton super large warheads.
military CCTV News Dong Haitao 07-02 09:47
 Korea, the United States and Japan launched the "Freedom Blade" joint military exercise
Korea, the United States and Japan launched the "Freedom Blade" joint military exercise
The South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters announced on the 27th that the South Korea, the United States and Japan had launched the first three-day "Freedom Blade" joint military exercise on the high seas south of Jeju Island.
military China News Network Liu Xu 06-28 09:55
 The United States will not accept the PLA equipped with robot dogs
The United States will not accept the PLA equipped with robot dogs
During the discussion on the annual defense authorization bill in the U.S. Congress last week, members of the House of Representatives suddenly mentioned that China is deploying "robot dogs with automatic rifles", and asked the Pentagon to assess the threat of such weapons in future potential conflicts.
military Reference News 06-25 16:56
 The Chinese and Cambodian navies jointly organized the first sea direction live drill
The Chinese and Cambodian navies jointly organized the first sea direction live drill
On May 27 local time, the forces of both sides participating in the China Cambodia "Golden Dragon 2024" joint exercise at sea jointly organized a live drill at sea near Sihanouk Port, Cambodia.
military CCTV News Client 05-28 10:50
 The launch of North Korean military reconnaissance satellite failed
The launch of North Korean military reconnaissance satellite failed
It is reported that the North Korean National Aeronautics and Space Technology Administration launched the "Wanlijing-1-1" reconnaissance satellite at the Xihai Satellite Launch Site in Tieshanjun, Ping'an Beidao, using a new satellite carrier rocket on the 27th. The first stage of the rocket flew abnormally, exploded in the air, and the launch mission failed.
military Xinhua News Agency 05-28 10:18
The eastern theater continued to carry out the "United Sword - 2024A" exercise around Bitai Island
Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Warfare Zone, said that today, the PLA's Eastern Warfare Zone continued to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around the Taiwan Island. The island chain was integrated inside and outside to test the ability of joint power grabbing, joint strike and important area control. ​​​
military @CCTV News 05-24 09:14
 The "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise was held around Weitai Island in the eastern theater
The "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise was held around Weitai Island in the eastern theater
From May 23 to 24, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized forces such as the theater army, navy, air force, and rocket corps to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan Island, focusing on exercises such as joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, joint precision targeting of key targets, warships and aircraft approaching the vicinity of Taiwan Island for war patrol, and integrated linkage between inside and outside the island chain, Test the actual combat capability of joint operations of theater forces.
military WeChat official account of "Eastern Warzone" 05-23 09:15
 US official: the US does not believe that Israel can "completely defeat" Hamas
US official: the US does not believe that Israel can "completely defeat" Hamas
When talking about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell said that the United States does not believe that Israel can achieve "comprehensive victory" in this conflict.
military CCTV News Xu Tao 05-14 10:50
 The "Halsey", which has stirred up the Taiwan Sea, has a big beginning!
The "Halsey", which has stirred up the Taiwan Sea, has a big beginning!
The US Army's Ali Burke class missile destroyer "Halsey" first sailed through the Taiwan Strait and made public hype, then illegally entered China's Xisha territorial waters. The PLA moved at the news of the police and immediately organized sea and air forces to give a firm response. On closer observation, we can see that this "habitual criminal" of the US warship who has never changed his mind can be said to be exhausted and full of bad deeds.
military China News Network 05-11 09:27
 US ships trespass on Xisha territorial waters, and the PLA warns to drive them away
US ships trespass on Xisha territorial waters, and the PLA warns to drive them away
On May 10, the US missile destroyer "Halsey" illegally entered China's Xisha territorial waters without the approval of the Chinese government. The southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized sea and air forces to track, monitor and warn them to leave according to law and regulations.
military Southern theater 05-10 15:35
 India has evacuated all military personnel from Maldives
India has evacuated all military personnel from Maldives
Indian officials said on the 9th local time that the last group of Indian military personnel stationed in Maldives had left Maldives. So far, about 80 Indian military personnel in Maldives have been replaced by ordinary staff.
military CCTV News Wang Jianbing 05-10 12:00
 An F-22 fighter plane of the US Air Force crashes at Georgia airport
An F-22 fighter plane of the US Air Force crashes at Georgia airport
On the 6th local time, an F-22 Raptor fighter plane of the US Air Force crashed at Savannah Hilton Head Airport in Georgia during an air combat training exercise.
military China News Network 05-07 10:22

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