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Slovak Minister of Internal Affairs: the prime minister was assassinated as a suspect or not alone

2024-05-20 09:23:29 China News Network
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According to Reuters, on the 19th local time, Slovak Interior Minister Ashtok said that the suspect in the assassination of Prime Minister Fizo of the country may not be the one who initially believed to have committed the crime alone.

According to the report, Ashtok said that the reason why the suspect did not commit the crime alone was that the suspect's social media and communication records were deleted two hours after the crime, while the suspect did not do so, and his wife probably would not do so.

Ashtok said, "This indicates that it may be gang crime".

It is reported that the Slovak security department is investigating the incident.

Earlier in the day, Slovak Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Kariniak said that Fizo was out of danger, but his condition was still serious, and his current physical condition did not allow him to be transferred to another hospital.

According to the previous report, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was shot in a shooting incident on the 15th, seriously injured, and then was sent to the hospital in Banska Bistrica by helicopter for treatment. The gunman, a 71 year old man, has been under police control. At present, the police charged him with attempted murder.

Editor in charge: Li Runxin

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