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The overseas Chinese community issued a statement opposing the Taiwan authorities to engage in any form of "Taiwan independence"

2024-05-20 04:03:00 The Dagong Daily
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According to China News Service, the Indonesian Chinese Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification issued a statement on the inauguration of the "520" of the Taiwan authorities, firmly opposing the Taiwan authorities to engage in any form of "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities. The statement pointed out that the proportion of votes obtained by the Democratic Progressive Party candidates and their seats in the "Legislative Council" clearly reflected that the Democratic Progressive Party could not represent the mainstream public opinion of Taiwan. No matter how the Democratic Progressive Party pursued "pro US and anti China", and how it attracted western anti China forces to promote "Taiwan independence", it could not change the basic pattern of cross-strait relations in Taiwan.

The statement said that in recent years, the United States has repeatedly made statements denigrating the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 and hyped the so-called "Taiwan's status is uncertain", which is a typical manifestation of the hegemony of the United States over international law and the basic norms of international relations. The United States has been bucking the trend of the times, playing the "Taiwan card" and engaging in "Taiwan based China", which will only encounter greater failure.

The statement said that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, which is a historical fact and an international consensus.

66 Sao Paulo overseas Chinese groups, including the Brazilian Chinese Association and the Brazilian China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, issued a joint statement on the inauguration of "520" in Taiwan, saying that they would resolutely oppose and combat the separatist forces of "Taiwan independence".

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