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Taiwan Public Opinion Calls on Lai Qingde to Open a New Situation of Cross Strait Relations

2024-05-20 04:02:59 The Dagong Daily
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Picture: Qi Jialin, chairman of the island's United Alliance Party, called on Lai Qingde's team to improve cross-strait relations\ China News Service

According to the China News Service, "520" is coming, and Taiwan's public opinion appeals that as long as the quasi leader of the Taiwan authorities Lai Qingde shows goodwill to the mainland, it may open a new situation in cross-strait relations. This is not only related to Taiwan's economic performance in the future, but also the aspirations of Taiwan's people and enterprises.

The Democratic Progressive Party, which advocates "Taiwan independence", has "zero interaction" with Beijing officials over the past eight years in power. Lai Qingde, a self styled "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker", took over the green camp administration on May 20, and the cross-strait relations were full of challenges.

Xia Liyan, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, said that the "1992 Consensus" is still the political basis that both sides must face up to. He expected the two sides to return to the spirit of the 1992 Consensus, and gradually accumulate interaction, mutual trust and goodwill through cultural, tourism, study abroad and other transactional exchanges.

Recently, a poll released by Ling Media clearly showed that 41.3% of the people believed that the most important problem to be solved after Lai Qingde came to power was the tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Earlier, a survey by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation pointed out that up to 48% of the public were dissatisfied with Tsai Ing wen's performance in handling cross-strait relations. It is obvious that the improvement of cross-strait relations is a happy experience for the vast majority of Taiwan people.

Wang Newspaper commented that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are close to each other, and the economic relationship is close. Although the mainland economy encounters adverse winds, it has a solid foundation, and can maintain at least 5% growth every year. The quality of cross-strait relations is crucial to Taiwan's economy. Not only should economic and trade exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits be normalized, but also people exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, including mainland tourists, should be open. If we can grasp the olive branch offered by the mainland and open the door to mainland tourists, we will greatly increase domestic consumption and further boost economic growth.

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