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Taiwan Army Refuses to Dismantle 252 Green Camps of Chiang Kai shek

2024-05-14 04:03:02 The Dagong Daily
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Picture: When the Democratic Progressive Party was in power, it carried out the policy of "removing Chiang Kai shek", and many abandoned Chiang Kai shek statues were stacked in Cihu Memorial Sculpture Park\ Information picture

Although the Democratic Progressive Party won the leadership election in Taiwan in 2024, it is still using the so-called "transitional justice" to pursue the KMT politically. However, the party recently met with a setback in the military. The Taiwan military said that it should respect history and would not dismantle 252 statues and remains of Chiang Kai shek and Chiang Ching kuo in the camp. Public opinion in the island pointed out that "the bronze statue of Chiang Kai shek is the so-called symbol of authority" is defined by the Democratic Progressive Party itself, and it is not what the Taiwanese people think. Why use taxpayers' money to dismantle Chiang Kai shek's statue? Isn't this another kind of "green authority"?

According to Taiwan media reports, the DPP Tsai Ing wen administration pushed the last mile of so-called "transitional justice" before leaving office. Chen Jianren, the head of the administrative agency, instructed the defense department last month to promote the military "transformational justice" education, and completed the preparation of an external expert advisory group for the military "transformational justice" education within one month.

For this reason, the defense department of the island invited scholars and experts to make an inventory of the "unjust sites" under its management, which currently include five locations, including the New Taipei City Reserve Command, the "Navy Command" camp nave, the "Reserve Command" Zhong'ai Camp, and the Southern Reserve Command. The "unjust sites" to be approved also include the team site of the Jilong "gendarmerie" located in Zhongzheng District of Jilong City, and the Huwei Airport in Huwei Town, Yunlin County. Among them, the "Maritime Patrol Department", located in the education, training and testing center of Wolong Street, Taipei City, has lent it to the "Security Command" of Taiwan Province for temporary investigation and detention in the 1950s. It is said that there is the only mysterious underground prison in Taiwan, which was closed more than 20 years ago.

In addition, the Taiwan military drew a red line in advance, indicating that 252 statues and remains of Chiang Kai shek and Chiang Ching kuo in the camp are based on drinking water and respecting history, not "authoritarian" worship, but a part of the history of the army team. In addition, the camp is not a public space, and all of them will be preserved in the way of maintaining the site and will not be removed.

The former official of Taiwan's defense department recently disclosed on the social platform that the disbanded "Commission for Promoting Transformational Justice" ("Promotion of Transfer") had asked the defense department to cooperate in the preparation of the roster and the opening of "Promotion of Transfer" personnel to enter the camp a few years ago through departmental coordination, to check and understand the number and current situation of Chiang Kai shek's bronze statues, At that time, Qiu Guozheng, the head of the defense department, sternly instructed his subordinates to say, "Tell them not to come, do not coordinate, and you cannot let them in."

Feng Shikuan, the outgoing chairman of the "Retired Auxiliary Committee", went to the legislative body for inquiry a few days ago. When Xu Qiaoxin, the Kuomintang's "legislator", asked whether he was in favor of dismantling Chiang Kai shek's bronze statue, he shouted, "I firmly oppose it!"

Taiwan authorities seek to cut off the historical ties between the two sides

Tsai Ing wen took the banner of "transformation justice" after taking office. The essence of Tsai Ing wen is to "eliminate Chiang Kai shek" and "eliminate China", and remove, rename or otherwise deal with the statues, statues and related namespaces of the two Chiang Kai shek, in an attempt to cut off the historical and cultural ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. By May 2022, except for Cihu Statue, 33.2% of Jiang Statues have been disposed and agreed to be disposed in the island. At the same time, the DPP authorities also set up a "Committee for Handling Improper Party Assets" to recover Kuomintang Party assets.

Some Taiwanese media pointed out that Gu Lixiong, who was once the "Chairman of the Party Production Committee", will take over the head of Taiwan's defense department, and Taiwan's military's position of "protecting Chiang Kai shek" may face greater challenges in the future.

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