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China's anti-corruption efforts continue to grow

2024-05-21 10:23:29 China News Network Authors: Zhang Su, Xie Yanbing
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From May 16 to 20, the Chinese authorities reported that the three "tigers" had been investigated respectively, which showed that the anti-corruption efforts were not reduced and the scale was not loose.

On the 16th, Lou Wenlong, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Agricultural Bank of China, was investigated; On the 18th, Tang Renjian, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, was investigated after the official announcement of "tiger" over the weekend; On the 20th, Wang Haoguan, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, was demoted.

The reporter combed the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission and found that since 2024, the number of cadres in charge has reached 26. In 2023, a total of 47 middle management cadres were successively dismissed.

Recently, the government has played three "tigers" for five days in a row, of which Wang Hao and Tang Renjian were both demoted. According to public data, Wang Hao, 59, has been working in Jiangsu for a long time, during which he once worked in Xuzhou, Suqian and other places. Last month, he led a research team to Nantong to investigate marine ecological environment protection and restoration projects.

Tang Renjian, now 61 years old, has worked in Guangxi, Gansu and other places, and has been the "top leader" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs since December 2020. It is reported that on the 15th of this month, he also made a public appearance, attended the national rural talent work conference and made a speech.

Lou Wenlong has worked in financial institutions for many years, and resigned as Executive Director and Vice President of Agricultural Bank of China in 2017. He made public appearances from time to time after leaving office, and once attended the event and made speeches as the president of Zhejiang Entan Industrial and Financial Research Institute.

It is worth noting that in recent days, officials have intensively reported the progress of financial anti-corruption, including Zhang Hongli, the former member of the Party Committee and vice president of ICBC, who was expelled from the Party for serious violations of discipline and laws, Liu Zhihong, a senior expert of the credit card center of the Agricultural Bank of China, and Yang Zhiguo, the former deputy general manager of the data center of the Bank of China. According to incomplete statistics, in 2023, more than 100 cadres in the financial system will be subject to disciplinary review.

The reporter combed and found that the "tiger" investigated recently and the losers investigated and dealt with earlier had many work intersections. Tang Shuangning, the former party secretary and chairman of China Everbright Group Corporation, who was investigated by the official in July last year, was Lou Wenlong's boss. In April this year, Tang Shuangning was prosecuted by the procuratorial organ for suspected corruption and bribery. Cai Esheng, the former member of the Party Committee and vice chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, who was accused of amassing more than 500 million yuan of wealth and sentenced to a suspended death sentence in the first instance, once went down to Wenlong Platform for the old ministry in 2019.

It has been noticed that Qiu He, Zhang Xinshi and Miao Ruilin, who once served as the secretary of Suqian Municipal Party Committee and also served as the "top leader" in Suqian, have been investigated.

Some critics believe that investigating and handling cases is not only the most direct and effective way to fight corruption, but also the most powerful and in-depth supervision. On the one hand, it can make the corrupt pay a heavy price, release the strong signal of "reaching out and being caught", and make the lucky people flinch; On the other hand, we can see the essence through the phenomenon, reveal the deep-seated reasons such as the system and mechanism problems and regulatory loopholes of corruption, and deepen the results of temporary solutions into the results of permanent solutions.

After Tang Renjian's downfall, the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held an enlarged meeting on the evening of May 18, proposing to learn the lessons of Tang Renjian's suspected serious violations of discipline and laws, "we should severely punish corruption with zero tolerance, and adhere to the principle of promoting corruption in an integrated way, not daring to corrupt, not wanting to corrupt".

In addition, according to the deployment, 15 inspection teams of the third round of the 20th CPC Central Committee are conducting regular inspections of 34 economic work departments and financial units. Among them, the 10th Central Inspection Group inspected the Agricultural Bank of China. The discipline inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in the Agricultural Bank of China recently said that it is necessary to dig deeply into the problems of dereliction of duty behind various risk events, illegal operations, regulatory penalties, etc., and discover hidden corruption problems from behind abnormal phenomena.

Editor in charge: Li Mengzhan

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