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Commercial promotion of China's 5G roaming across different networks started

2024-05-17 09:56:07 Xinhua News Agency Authors: Zhang Xinxin, Zhang Xiaojie
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On May 17, at the 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day conference held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television jointly announced the launch of the commercial promotion of 5G roaming across different networks.

5G cross network roaming means that when the operator has no 5G network coverage, users can access the 5G network of other operators and continue to use 5G services. It is of great significance to reduce signal blind areas, improve user experience, accelerate 5G network coverage, especially in remote areas and rural areas.

Last May, 5G cross network roaming was the first commercial trial in Xinjiang. Now, this model will be commercially promoted. It is reported that after the launch of commercial promotion, relevant provinces will formulate specific promotion plans to speed up the implementation.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it would adhere to the principle of moderate advance, continue to strengthen the construction of network infrastructure, expand the scale of 5G applications, and make 5G networks better serve social operations and people's lives.

Editor in charge: Li Mengzhan

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