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It was said that the leaders of two schools in Beijing were interviewed

2024-05-17 09:29:05 CCTV News Client
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A few days ago, in response to the media reports that some schools in Beijing have violated Sunshine's enrollment requirements, the special class of Beijing Sunshine's enrollment special action verified that two schools in Chaoyang District, namely Beijing Mingcheng Foreign Language School (private school) and Chen Jinglun Middle School, were exposed by the media to have violated Sunshine's enrollment requirements. The verification of the involved off campus training institutions is in progress and will be disposed of later.

In view of the school's illegal behaviors, the special class interviewed the head of Mingcheng Foreign Language School and Chen Jinglun Middle School Group, and instructed the school to rectify immediately, seal the student's resume, examination papers and other related materials, and resolutely put an end to illegal enrollment behaviors such as "pinching the top enrollment". In the future, we will further check the clues of the problem, and hold responsible persons who have repeatedly failed to ban and knowingly committed crimes accountable.

The Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education resolutely put an end to "pinching the top enrollment" and other violations, and resolutely maintained the order of compulsory education enrollment. Warning and reminding interviews will be carried out in some key areas, self inspection and self correction will be strengthened, rectification and rectification will be carried out, dark box operation and sharp recruitment will be strictly prevented, and special investigation and rectification will be carried out throughout the city, campus activities management will be strengthened, and all campus activities related to compulsory education enrollment or disguised enrollment will be resolutely prohibited. For violations, investigate and deal with one case, and seriously hold the relevant responsible person accountable.

The Beijing municipal "double reduction" special class and the municipal sunshine enrollment special action special class strengthened coordination and linkage, increased punishment on illegal training institutions, and resolutely cracked down on violations that affect the educational ecology and disrupt the enrollment order.

Previously reported:

A few days ago, at the enrollment stage of the primary school, the reporter found that the enrollment instruction meeting held by some institutions to cooperate with individual schools is being carried out secretly.

The so-called "Class 5" refers to the selection of students from Grade 5 of primary school in the middle school, and the selected students will enter junior high school directly in Grade 6. A reporter's investigation found that similar selection tests are being conducted quietly in some schools and educational institutions recently.

Way 1 of "Pinching the Tip": Selection Examination

The day before the May Day holiday, the staff member of the organization released the information that a private school was going to hold a campus open day, saying that the activities for students in grades 5 and 6 would be held on the last day of the holiday. The reporter tried to register, and a few days later received a call from the school.

According to the agreed time, the reporter came to the school. Just entering the teaching building, parents and children were separated. The children were brought into the classroom on the first floor. The stationery they were required to bring was originally used to participate in the selection examination organized by the school. After the exam began, parents gathered together to exchange their children's learning. During the chat, the reporter learned that this school had conducted several joint examinations with a key public middle school in other districts for the whole city. This examination may be the last round of this year's enrollment season. At 12:30 on May 5, the three hour exam ended, and parents were arranged to pick up their children on the school playground.

This kind of test interviews organized by the school itself or jointly with social training institutions for the purpose of selecting students are exactly the violations that this special action will resolutely correct.

At the same time, the special action has also made a number of regulations on the enrollment behavior of private schools, such as whether there is illegal cross regional enrollment, whether there is mixed enrollment with public schools, etc. Regardless of which one, the private school has obvious violations. The reporter learned from the parents' chat that in addition to participating in similar selection examinations organized by schools, there is also a way to be "recruited" to participate in various cup competitions. Therefore, some cup competitions explicitly prohibited by the Ministry of Education are still going on secretly.

"Pinch the tip" mode 2: participate in the cup competition

The Huashu, Hope Cup, MLS, Masters and other Olympiad competitions are all illegal competitions that have been identified by the Ministry of Education. Since 2018, the Ministry of Education has been continuously standardizing national competitions for primary and secondary students; In November 2022, the Ministry of Education released the "List of National Competitions for Primary and Middle School Students in the 2022-2025 Academic Year", commonly known as the "White List", and clearly stipulated that "all those not listed in the" List of National Competitions for Primary and Middle School Students "are illegal competitions, and there is no subject competition for students in compulsory education stage in the list". In January this year, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments jointly issued a document, once again making it clear that the Masters, Hope Cup, China Cup and other illegal competitions are all illegal, and we will resolutely crack down on illegal illegal competitions. However, there are policies and countermeasures. The illegal competitions and black competitions in these disciplines are then carried out in the name of summer camp, winter camp or research. For example, recently a training organization released a summer study camp called Red Spirit and a Guangdong camp activity. What they actually did was to change the name of the China Cup to the Star of Chinese Maths.

According to the reporter's investigation, because black competitions have often been reported in recent years, leading to the temporary cancellation of the exam, the only way to apply for the exam is through the organization, and the exam method is becoming more and more covert, even going to other places to participate in the contest, so as to reduce the risk of being reported. These illegal Olympiad Maths contests, which cost a lot to register, are popular with parents, and their results have also become an important basis for individual schools to "point out the best".

In addition to Olympiad Maths, English is the second favorite of the school. In March 2021, the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education announced that it would withdraw from undertaking the Cambridge English Test Band 5, which has kept its popularity for a while. But since last year, the Cambridge English Test has become popular again, and many primary school students have passed the Level 3 FCE exam, which is equivalent to the level of high school to university in China.

The reporter noted that, including this Sunshine Recruitment Campaign, the Ministry of Education has repeatedly stressed that the results of primary and secondary school discipline competitions, grade examination certificates, etc. should not be used as reference or basis for enrollment in recent years, but in fact, this situation has not been completely reversed.

"Pinch the top" mode 3: screening resumes

Parents make resumes of their children's competition results, grade examination results, etc. and submit them to the school. The school selects resumes as the third means for the school to "point out the best" in addition to selecting exams and participating in cup competitions. Before the double reduction, most of these resumes were directly placed at the school gate or the security room. After the double reduction, the control was strict and the means were more hidden. Either the resumes were directly sent to the teachers on campus open days, or the resumes were sent to the school e-mail. Providing e-mail related information has become a new way for individual institutions to make money.

The reporter learned that some children who have been "recruited" successfully have to continue to "roll" in order to enter a better class, and strive to enter the fast class. The school has set up fast and slow classes in various names, which has also been listed as one of the seven illegal enrollment behaviors to be resolutely corrected in the Sunshine Recruitment Special Action.

The reporter learned that at present, the Ministry of Education is setting up a Sunshine Enrollment Special Action Working Group, which will then participate in the cross provincial cross inspection work nationwide to timely report the violations and investigation and punishment of "dark box operation" and "pinching enrollment". The General Office of the Ministry of Education has recently issued a notice on the implementation of the "Year of Standardized Management" of basic education, which prohibits schools in the compulsory education stage from organizing various examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or using various competition certificates, social training results, grading certificates, etc. as the basis for enrollment. We hope that through rectification, the enrollment of compulsory education schools will be more fair, sunny and convenient.

Editor in charge: Li Runxin

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