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Taiwan Affairs Office: Facts prove that the United States will suffer wherever it fires

2024-05-15 11:31:25 China News Network
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The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference on the 15th. At the meeting, Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to the remarks made by Aquileno, the commander of the US Indo Pacific Command, who had just left office.

Chen Binhua said that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affairs, which brooks no external interference. Some anti China forces in the United States previously hyped "Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow", and now they are advocating that "Taiwan emulates Israel", which sends a very dangerous signal. Facts have proved that the United States will suffer wherever it turns to fire. They want to copy this routine to Taiwan, exposing once again the sinister intention of using Taiwan, consuming Taiwan, and sacrificing Taiwan.

Chen Binhua stressed that the United States will always adhere to "the United States first", and "chess pieces" will become "abandoned" at any time. Whether the United States is "supporting Taiwan" or "harming Taiwan", and whether the DPP authorities are "protecting Taiwan" or "harming Taiwan", I believe that Taiwan compatriots will have a clear understanding and rational judgment. Only by firmly opposing the "Taiwan independence" secession and foreign interference can peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait be effectively maintained, and the interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan's development prospects be effectively guaranteed.

Editor in charge: Li Mengzhan

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