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The General Administration of Financial Supervision issued a document to deploy that the banking and insurance industry will usher in new changes

2024-05-11 09:26:37 China News Network Author: Gong Hongyu
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A few days ago, the State Administration of Financial Supervision issued the Guiding Opinions on the "Five Major Articles" of Banking and Insurance in Finance (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions). What are the key points? What new changes will the banking and insurance industry face?

The Guidance consists of five parts and twenty articles. For the future development of the banking industry, the Guiding Opinions put forward the main goals: in the next five years, the banking and insurance industry will basically form a multi-level, wide coverage, diversified and sustainable "five major articles" service system, improve the relevant working mechanism, enrich the products, improve the availability, coverage and satisfaction of services, and effectively promote the development of new quality productivity. Relevant regulatory systems and supporting mechanisms were further improved, the evaluation system was more sound and effective, and policy synergy was constantly enhanced.

"The Guiding Opinions put forward clear requirements for bancassurance institutions to do a good job in the 'five major articles' of finance, and carried out systematic deployment, which is very timely and important, and has a strong guiding significance and promoting role for the banking and insurance industry to do a good job in the' five major articles' of finance." Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of China Merchants Confederation, said in an interview with China Singapore Finance and Economics.

Lou Feipeng, a researcher of Postal Savings Bank of China, said in an interview with Zhongxin Finance and Economics that one of the highlights of the Guiding Opinions is that different types of banking institutions and insurance institutions have different priorities.

Large commercial banks, small and medium-sized banks, insurance industry, non bank financial institutions... Zhongxin Finance and Economics has noticed that the Guiding Opinions have deployed the advantages and tasks of different financial institutions in different categories, requiring the banking and insurance industry to give play to the functional advantages of serving the "five major articles" and "do their best".

Dong Ximiao believes that the "five major articles" of bancassurance institutions should be based on resource endowments and their own capabilities. Specifically, for large bancassurance institutions, they should make overall arrangements to promote the coordinated development of the "five major articles"; Based on the characteristics and needs of regions, industries and customers, small and medium-sized banks and insurance institutions should focus on the key points, and do a good job in "1+1" (that is, inclusive finance plus a feature business).

Dong Ximiao also mentioned that both large, small and medium-sized banks and insurance institutions should deeply apply advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to enable finance, consolidate the base and capabilities of digital finance, and truly make financial services ubiquitous and accessible.

China News Finance and Economics noted that the Guiding Opinions also made clear arrangements for the development of science and technology finance, requiring the banking and insurance industry to focus on the blocking points to improve the quality and efficiency of science and technology finance. In addition, it is necessary to encourage qualified regions and banks and insurance institutions to take the lead in combining the development laws and characteristics of technology-based enterprises, develop exclusive financial products, and provide full life cycle financial services for technology-based enterprises.

How to understand the "stuck points and blocked points"? Dong Ximiao believes that at present, the strength and level of financial support for scientific and technological innovation in China continue to improve, but scientific and technological finance is still in the development stage, and financial support and services for scientific and technological innovation have not yet formed a complete system. Scientific and technological innovation has greater uncertainty, higher risk and longer return period. The transformation of major technological achievements and technology-based enterprises need more support from "patient capital".

Dong Ximiao suggested that bancassurance institutions should improve and innovate evaluation standards and methods. For example, in view of the characteristics of technology-based enterprises, such as asset light, we will explore the use of talents, technology, business models and market prospects as evaluation elements, use trademark rights and patent rights as collateral, accelerate the introduction of external credit enhancement measures, so that enterprises that do not meet the traditional credit standards can easily obtain financing.

Editor in charge: Li Mengzhan

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