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Hobbies/Go to meet friends

2023-11-09 04:02:21 The Dagong Daily
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Picture: Zha Liangyong (Jin Yong, right) and Liang Yusheng (left) are also fond of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and often play chess.

In addition to their busy work, Ta Kung Pao journalists also have extremely rich "extracurricular activities". In the New Evening News period, after finishing their work, Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng often played Go with their colleagues to decompress.

Go is a common hobby of Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng. When working in Ta Kung Pao, Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng were famous "chess friends".

According to Jin Yong's memory, he often played Go with Liang Yusheng, Nie Gannu and other players, and they often played until dawn. Amateur interests have also "fed back" into the writings of journalists. Jin Yong has written a special column of essays on Go. Liang Yusheng has also published chess talks on the New Evening News under the pseudonym of "Chen Lu", and interviewed the national chess match and the Asian chess match as a reporter.

Ta Kung Pao reporter Zhang Shuai

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