People call me to answer | Do vagrants "live" on the overpass for a long time? Timely check and deal with Longcheng Street
2024-06-17 14:48
Source: Shenzhen News Network
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People call me to answer | Do vagrants "live" on the overpass for a long time? Timely check and deal with Longcheng Street

Shenzhen News Network, June 17, 2024 (Reporter Zhang Fan) Recently, some netizens reported that there was a tramp living on the Longcheng Overpass Corridor in Longcheng Street, Longgang District for a long time. After receiving the feedback, Longcheng Street attached great importance to it and organized the patrol officers of Xincheng Police Station, the staff of Longcheng Street Public Service Office and the civil affairs staff of Shangjing Community to go to the Dezheng Longcheng Overpass to check the situation of vagrants.

According to the on-site verification of the staff, there is indeed a homeless person sleeping in the Dezheng Longcheng Overpass. It is understood that the homeless person is a migrant worker from other places, and has not found a job or a place to stay. The staff provided food and subsidies for the person. After persuasion, the homeless person refused to go to the rescue station and left on his own.

Next, Shangjing Community Workstation will arrange personnel on duty to strengthen the patrol around the Dezheng Longcheng Overpass, keep abreast of the situation of vagrancy and begging on the street, and be sure to answer every call.

[Editor: Wu Meng, Chen Suya] [Editor in charge: Zhanqi]