Are teachers punished for being late for class due to rescuing patients? Southern Medical University: Understanding and verifying
2024-06-17 10:10
Source: Southern Medical University, Dahe Daily

Are teachers punished for being late for class due to rescuing patients? Southern Medical University: Understanding and verifying

AI reading:

The WeChat official account of Southern Medical University released information at noon on June 16:

The school has paid attention to the network information about the teachers of the First Clinical Medical College of our school who have been notified. As a medical college and its affiliated hospital, life first and priority of rescuing the wounded and dying are the values we always adhere to. The school is learning about the verification from the relevant units, and will follow up.

In addition, according to @ Dahe News, on June 16, Southern Medical University teachers were punished for rescuing the wounded and the dying. Many netizens said that the reason why teachers were late was to cure the sick and save the people, and the school should not punish them.

Previously, the college announced the investigation and punishment [details]

In the morning of May 10, 2024, the Pediatrics course of 2019 clinical medicine (English teaching) class was taught by Yu Li, a teacher of pediatrics. Students reported that the bell rang but the teacher did not arrive in the classroom on time. It is understood that the child in the charge of Ms. Yu Li is in a critical condition, which may change at any time, and the risk of death is high. So she arrived at the department before teaching to check the condition of the child. During the period, the child had a slightly slow bilateral pupillary reflex, blood seepage at the neck tube place, etc., and was suspected of cerebral hemorrhage, so she carried out emergency treatment. Ms. Yu Li failed to report to the teaching and research office in a timely manner due to tense conditions, Finally, it led to the late event. Feng Wenyan, a teacher of the clinical medicine department, arrived at the classroom immediately after learning the situation to pacify the students, and kept in touch with Yu Li. After dealing with the emergency, Miss Yu Li rushed back to the classroom at 8:29 and made teaching arrangements for the follow-up courses, completing the teaching task.


According to relevant regulations, if the teaching time is delayed between 15 minutes and 30 minutes, it will be deemed as a serious teaching accident. Miss Yu Li was 29 minutes late that day, but she didn't mean to save the patient, and she arrived in the classroom in time after the problem was solved, arranged the teaching content properly, and successfully completed the teaching task without causing adverse effects. After study, it was decided to make the following treatment to Miss Yu Li, which identified this incident as a teaching error, and to withhold her bonus of 2000 yuan in May, to circulate a notice of criticism throughout the hospital, and to cancel Miss Yu Li's qualification for excellence evaluation this year.

On June 16, the reporter learned from the staff of Southern Medical University that the university has paid attention to this matter and is currently handling it.

[Editor: Li Yang]