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Basic score line of 2022 postgraduate reexamination of Beijing University of Technology

Countdown to 2021 day

22 The scores of 34 independent marking universities for postgraduate entrance examination are being announced in succession. The following is Beijing University of Technology The score line of 2022 postgraduate entrance examination reexamination is attached to the score line of 34 self marking colleges over the years to understand the basic score line for entering the reexamination. Click to view: Summary of 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Re examination Scores of 34 Self marking Universities in China

Relevant description:
1. Engineering care: mechanics [0801], aerospace science and technology [0825], weapons science and technology [0826].
2. Candidates who enjoy the care policy for ethnic minorities: ethnic minority in-service candidates whose work units and household registration are in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council, and whose targeted employment units are the original units.
3. Candidates who meet the project conditions of the "Western Volunteer Service Plan for College Students", the "Three Supports and One Support Plan", the "Special Post Plan for School Teachers in Rural Compulsory Education Stage", the "Volunteer for Chinese Teachers Going Abroad", the "College Students Recruited for Active Service and Retired", and the "Selection of College Graduates to Work in Villages" shall be subject to the bonus policy of the Ministry of Education. Candidates who meet the above bonus policy must apply to our graduate recruitment office and college after the specific arrangements for the reexamination are announced, and provide supporting materials as required.
Re examination arrangement:
According to the requirements of the superior competent department and the deployment of epidemic prevention and control work, our school will formulate the work plan for the reexamination of master's degree, and release it to the public in a timely manner through the official WeChat official account of the school, the website of the graduate school and the website of the college applying for the examination. Please pay close attention and wait patiently for the notice.

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