home page Finance Why is it that the market is just the same as your own right, and what you do is wrong? You need to start from these two points!

Why is it that the market is just the same as your own right, and what you do is wrong? You need to start from these two points!

It is difficult to make a living by trading, even one in ten thousand can be said to be too good. Many people can make a little money at the end of the year settlement according to the 28/20 law of the stock market, but it is far from the time when they can make a living, so making a living by trading is not as simple as the 28/20 law; Many players have had a similar experience: the orders with positions made a lot of profits. They wanted to let the profits run, but the market turned around. Not only did they not get the profits, but they also stopped losing. Stop loss continuously in the volatile market, and fail to hold the order in the unilateral market, missing a wave of big market. At other times, the stop loss of the position order has just been eliminated, and the market starts to move in the right direction.

In a word, the market is just like yourself. What you do is wrong. You have the impulse to smash the computer. In order to improve this situation, we should start from these two points: No.1 improves the understanding of trading, reduces the desire for trading profits and improves the understanding. Seven out of ten people are unhappy in life, so is trading. The market is not aimed at you. When the transaction is not smooth, everyone feels uncomfortable. All traders have experienced the above pain. NO.2 Reduce your desire. Don't trade all the time. Don't try to catch all the quotations. If you only choose one type of market, you will only suffer from the torture of trading when you do not cooperate with one type of market, so that the mentality is easier to control. Don't stay in the market every day. Not trading is also a part of trading! Sometimes words can't be said on the lips, and many problems in the transaction need to be discussed and sporadic to understand. In the transaction, it is difficult to divide all the problems clearly. When the truth is summed up, it is known. I seldom care about what kind of truth they belong to. So some of my insights and ideas below may be irrelevant, but it can be guaranteed that the following conclusions can help readers take a big step on the road of trading torture.

In the actual transaction, what will cause us to be tortured to collapse?
(1) A large wave of profits was made, and finally a large wave of profits before it was swallowed up by various repeated stop losses. Finally, the account returned to the state before it was unprofitable or lost.
(2) If you want to make profits run, you get a lot of profits, but are hit at the point of moving stop loss or refuse to move stop loss, and finally become a stop loss. At this time, the mentality is exploding, because the ducks in hand fly.
(3) Can't distinguish between shocks and unilateral, stop loss repeatedly during shocks, but can't hold the unilateral market, or hold the top and bottom of unilateral market and stop loss all the time. In this process, there was also hesitation in grasping the top and bottom, and the execution of the set stop loss was not in place in advance. But when it really hit the top and bottom, it was also because the profit was not captured after the early stop loss, and then the subsequent market did not dare to enter the market, and this wave of profits was finally missed.
(4) Repeated frequent entry, continuous small losses, account shrinkage, may be a 30 point market range, just stop loss in addition to 60 points of losses.
(5) At the key support position of the high point, there was a multi signal to enter the multi order confidently. As a result, the list reached the top, and when he came back to his senses, he was very passive and could not get out of the order.
These problems are innumerable and cannot be changed for a while. If the above problems are not very special, they will basically explode. However, the market will focus on your weaknesses and sprinkle salt on them. At this time, the traders will become worse and worse and lose more and more money. In this process, people's strong personality will be magnified, that is, they will not admit defeat, and then the account will be basically unreachable. In fact, the above problems can be improved by some scientific methods. As long as we calm down to think and study, it will be enough. How to describe it? It is similar to the number of college courses, but what career do you want to do. We should focus on the core issues, rather than summarizing every issue. How to improve the current situation of being ravaged by transactions? I have a question here. What is the reason why we learn technology? Or what does the technology we learn serve? My personal understanding is that learning technology is to let me "reduce unnecessary operations" and "increase the execution of entering and exiting" to serve. I also asked someone about this question a few days ago. I forgot what he said before, but after he heard my answer, he thought it was a question of discipline. I know a lot of people will beat me up. They think that technology is technology and discipline is discipline. I think it is the low level foundation that leads to the superstructure, and the technology that leads to discipline. What does an immature technology rely on to enforce discipline? What is technology? Technology is definitely not as simple as forecasting a range and analyzing a direction. An analyst without actual combat can't do a good deal because he can't hold the list. But the analyst's problem is not his mentality. In fact, the analyst's problem is his lack of technology. I dare to immediately backhand long when the pound was short and lost 5 points last week, and then get to Friday, but the analyst is not good. If the analyst is wrong, he will only stop losing. I dare to find that the details of the market have changed when I was originally bullish on the pound this Monday, and then close multiple positions and directly short, but the analyst cannot. The market will either go up or down, and the analysis direction will always have half of the winning rate. As long as the market is running, it will always reach the predicted point within a reasonable range or even exceed that point. The technology is that I know the basis for rising and falling in operation when I understand the market, The possible changes and differences in details at the end of the rise and fall are technology. Whether I can execute my operation is because I know the most likely direction I will take after entering the arena, and the position to trigger the point. I must unconditionally enter the arena. I still firmly hold on until I reach the position. Whether unnecessary operations can be reduced is that I know whether the market has fed back the conditions I need to enter at this time. All the "reducing unnecessary operations" and "increasing the execution power of entry and exit" are definitely not empty words, which must be implemented to specific points. The mentality and discipline that can persist or wait out of thin air cannot stand the test of a long time. So back to the above question, how do we know what we need? If the purpose of a technology itself is to "reduce unnecessary operations" and "increase the execution of entry and exit". At this time, you need to reflect on whether the trading technology you have used in your trading for so many years has these two points. If not, this technology will be meaningless for a long time. It may be profitable in a short time and will not stand the test for a long time. At this time, you need to calm down and consider how to learn technology to make profits from "reducing unnecessary operations" and "increasing the execution power of entry and exit". If you look at the first module of this article, you will find that the root causes of most different problems are the two points I mentioned at this time. By working hard on "reducing unnecessary operations" and "increasing the execution of entry and exit", you will take a big step to change the status quo of being ravaged by transactions.
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