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Policy focus turns!

After Friday, May 19, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Power Demand Side Management Measures (Draft for Comments) and the Power Load Management Measures (Draft for Comments), which will be solicited from May 19 to June 18, 2023. This document is different from the previous policies on the power generation side and the grid side Focus on the power demand side to help the construction of new power systems

The core content of the DSM method is that by 2025, the demand response capacity of each province will reach 3%~5% of the maximum power load, and the peak valley difference rate of the annual maximum power load will reach 5% or more. By 2030, a large-scale real-time demand response capability will be formed, and the adjustable resource sharing and mutual aid in the grid region can be realized by combining the auxiliary service market and electric energy market transactions.
According to the policy, participants include demand side resources such as new energy storage, distributed power generation, electric vehicles, air conditioning loads, etc., and participate in demand response in the form of load aggregators or virtual power plants; The policy also supports local power grids, incremental distribution networks and micro grids to carry out demand response. The mode of income includes peak valley price difference, auxiliary service market, capacity market, etc.
From a series of recent power policies, Policy focus continues to tilt to the demand side
May 11, North China The Energy Regulatory Bureau held a symposium on the construction of virtual power plants and demand side response in North China, and suggested accelerating the construction of virtual power plants and demand side management in North China.
On May 15, according to the NDRC website The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) approved the two-part transmission price of the third regulatory cycle for the power grids in North China, East China, Central China, Northeast China and Northwest China. The adjustment of electricity price policy is an important part of power system reform. The new document clarifies the transmission and distribution price structure by decoupling the transmission and distribution price from the "purchase and sale price difference", paves the way for the construction and development of the power market, and is of great significance for accelerating the construction of a new power system.
This policy is complementary to the previous generation side and grid side policies. The common background is the increase in the proportion of new energy power access and the proportion of new energy vehicles using electricity, which brings about an increase in the impact on the grid and potential unreliability. The purpose of the power demand side policy is also to reduce the instability of the power grid and increase the security of power consumption through market-oriented forces for demand side dispatching
According to the data, the national maximum load from January to March this year was+1.84% year on year. The National Energy Administration estimates that the maximum power load in China this year may exceed 1.36 billion kilowatts, and some provinces may experience power shortage during peak hours. In 2023, the overall power supply and demand will remain in a tight balance Demand side response, user side management and other issues are to solve the problem of power system gap

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