Next week, Musk will broadcast "Bring Goods" live!

Recently, Musk replied on the social platform that he would broadcast the V12 version of FSD on the "X" platform next week. Tesla automatic driving (FSD system) is mainly completed by HW series (Autopilot Hardware, HW1.0, HW2.0, HW3.0, HW4.0...) and FSD AP (AutoPilot) on the software side. The full name of FSD is Full self driving, which is a completely driverless system and is Tesla's core competitiveness. After paying for activation, consumers can enjoy advanced automatic driving functions including automatic parking, automatic assisted navigation driving, intelligent calling, etc. At present, only AP (basic version of auxiliary driving, standard configuration) and EAP (enhanced version of auxiliary driving, 32000 yuan) are available in China. With regard to the FSD function, Chinese users can choose to install it at the time of purchase or later through

Dithering live video stream acquisition+bullet screen acquisition gadget 1.0

 Dithering live video stream acquisition+bullet screen acquisition gadget 1.0

Bounce screen acquisition of dithering video stream 1、 Software Introduction Today we share a gadget – Dy's live video stream acquisition, plus bullet screen comment acquisition gadget To tell the truth, I don't know what kind of help this tool can bring to you. I tried to do it when my friends had this demand. Later, it seemed that there was no demand, so I lost it locally. I might as well share it! It can only be called -- a small tool for fishing at work! Next, let's introduce the tools The gadget is written by python 3.9, the UI is made by pyqt5, and the exe package is made by pyinstaller; The compiled environment is in the virtual machine, win7 python

After hours release, the first in the world!

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced four lithium ferromanganese models, which are respectively the first pure electric sedan of Huawei Smart Car, Luxeed, two drive and four drive three yuan+lithium ferromanganese, and Chery Xingtu, two drive 230 and four drive 123/230 three yuan+lithium ferromanganese. The four models all adopt the composite scheme of lithium ferromanganese and three yuan, which is expected to be released in the third quarter. Under the background that the energy density of lithium iron phosphate battery is close to the ceiling, because the energy density of lithium manganese phosphate is 15% higher than that of lithium iron phosphate, but the cost is only 10% higher, the penetration rate of lithium manganese phosphate will gradually increase. The industry is in the stage of 0-1. In July, lithium manganese phosphate battery was first used in Tesla in the world. This event is the first time to use a domestic car, and also a landmark event, It means that it is not far away from the rapid discharge of lithium manganese iron phosphate battery

Interest rate cut, much more than expected!

This morning, the central bank's MLF operation suddenly cut interest rates: the 7-day reverse repo rate was lowered by 10BP to 1.8% from 1.9%, and the 1-year MLF rate was lowered by 15BP to 2.5% from 2.65%. This MLF interest rate cut was unexpected. From the previous research summary of institutions, basically no institutions expected to directly cut interest rates in the short term, and this MLF interest rate cut was 15 basis points, exceeding the range of previous interest rate cuts, which was significantly higher than expected. However, this action of the central bank is also reasonable. Last week, it was mentioned when interpreting the expectation of RRR reduction. In the short term, because of the demand for funds+the downturn in economic data+debt events, there is a demand for the central bank to ease its policy. Review the previous three MLF interest rate cuts: On June 15, 2023, MLF interest rate will be reduced by 10BP. In June, the economic data was worse than expected, and the real estate data continued to be depressed, so

Regular Expression Conversion Assistant v1.9

 Regular Expression Conversion Assistant v1.9

Regular Expression Conversion Assistant 1、 Software Introduction Regular Assistant Update Record 1.9 1. Change the right-click menu of edit box to rounded border 2. Remove VBScript regular matching newline option (invalid) 3. It is allowed to specify the syntax list. The Basic_1.lst file corresponds to the version list 4. Fix Pcre2 regular expression creation problem (yi "one" cannot be created) 5. Fix the problem of deelx regular global mode 2、 Download address This part of the content needs to be browsed after paying for sponsorship. After paying 3.98 yuan, you can return to the refresh page, and the same IP can be browsed indefinitely within 48 hours

Random string generator

 Random string generator

Random string generator 1、 Software Introduction 1. In terms of random algorithm, random.choice, which was used directly before, does not want to be greatly changed. After all, the original function is to generate "random strings", so some changes have been made to the seed of random generator, which greatly increases the randomness of generating pseudo-random numbers 2. The "must include" function is added. After each character set, when the character set is selected, checking this function will make this type of character appear at least once in the output. 3. Fixed the bug that the program crashes directly when the target length is greater than the number of characters in the selected character set when removing duplicate characters 2、 Download address This part of content needs to be browsed after paying for sponsorship

CCTV drama download tool v1.0

 CCTV drama download tool v1.0

CCTV drama download tool 1、 Software Introduction The quality of CCTV resources is high, and many positive energy TV dramas are wonderful. A netizen has developed this "CCTV TV Drama Download Tool v1.0". Copy it to any disk and use it. Paste the web address, which must be the web address where the TV play is playing. You can choose the save path and resolution. 2、 Download address This part of the content needs to be browsed after paying for sponsorship. After paying 4.97 yuan, you can return to the refresh page. The same IP address can be browsed indefinitely within 48 hours

WeChat video number download assistant, used with packet capture tool

 WeChat video number download assistant, used with packet capture tool

WeChat video number download assistant 1、 Software Introduction Some gods have found that the video number can be downloaded after packet capture, because the ID and parameters need to be changed. So I got an assistant to facilitate downloading. Keep the ID+2 encfilekey and token to download HD video I don't know how long this method can be used. Please use it and cherish it. usage method: Directly put the link address captured by the packet capture tool into it and click Download. The downloaded MP4 is saved in the same directory as the assistant. 2、 Download address This part of the content needs to be browsed after paying for sponsorship. After paying 9.98 yuan, you can return to the refresh page. The same IP address can be browsed indefinitely within 48 hours

Xuanle electronic textbook download tool (including source code)

 Xuanle electronic textbook download tool (including source code)

Xuanle Electronic Textbook 1、 Software Introduction It covers from primary school to high school Update log: 2023-08-13 13:21 Fixed the problem that some links cannot be downloaded or the PDF file is damaged, and added the download link address Interface of Xuanle electronic textbook download software 2、 Download address Including software download and source code download ↓↓ This part of the content needs to be browsed after paying for sponsorship. After paying 4.97 yuan, you can return to the refresh page. The same IP address can be browsed indefinitely within 48 hours

A new round of price war? Misreading!

It was reported in front of the market today that Tesla Model3 will offer a limited time discount of 8000 yuan of insurance subsidy, and the price of Model Y long endurance version will be adjusted from 313900 yuan to 299900 yuan, while the price of Model Y high-performance version will be adjusted from 363900 yuan to 349900 yuan. Lenovo has noticed that many auto companies have announced price cuts since August, generally ranging from 3000 yuan to 3000 yuan, among which, the price of Polar Krypton 001 has dropped by 30000 yuan to 37000 yuan, Euler has dropped by 22000 yuan to 30000 yuan, and Zero Run C11 has been launched The maximum price reduction of C01 is 20000 yuan. Chery, Nezha, Ideals L9, etc. also have different price reductions. Therefore, some people in the market interpret that a new round of price war in the car market has begun. In addition, the recent market is relatively weak due to macro events such as unexpected social financing, and individual shares in the car related sector are coming to adjust. In fact, Tesla has released price cuts to the market many times since July

Expected changes!

After Friday, the Central Bank released the social finance data of July: RMB loans increased by 345.9 billion yuan in July (estimated at 780 billion yuan, 3.05 trillion yuan in June); The newly added social finance amounted to 528.2 billion yuan (estimated at 1.1 trillion yuan, 4.22 trillion yuan in June), and the newly added RMB loans in July were only 36.4 billion yuan, the lowest since 2008. The social financing stock increased 8.9% year on year (9.1% is estimated, 9.4%, 9.9%, 10.0%, 10.0%, 9.5% and 9.0% respectively in the first six months); The growth rate of M2 was 10.7% (11% estimated, 11.3% in May). Short term loans and medium - and long-term loans at the residential end have both decreased over the same period last year. First, short-term promotions such as June have overdrawn some of the credit demand. Second, residents' expectations of future income are poor, and their own credit demand is not high; Second, residents' willingness to buy houses and leverage is still weak. Short term loans of enterprises show negative growth