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Alfafan 3500 Days

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Test content 1 Content 1 ↓ This part of content needs to be browsed after paying Pay 0.10 yuan Paid? Click here to browse

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Test content 2 Content 2 ↓ This part of the content needs to be browsed after paying for sponsorship. After paying 0.01 yuan, you can return to the refresh page. The same IP address can be browsed indefinitely within 48 hours

Some online marketing information sources collected

Starterstory: A collection of entrepreneurs' cases, mainly in the form of interviews, will share the author's experience of how to think of ideas, how to start, and how to scale up. website: https://www.starterstory.com/ Failure: share the failure cases of entrepreneurs (actually there are also successful cases), and publish an interview or a long article every week to provide case reference. website: https://www.failory.com/ NichePursuits: Almost all of the content is related to direct Internet wealth generation, such as e-commerce independent stations, blog stations, drainage, SEO, transformation, and website transactions. website: https://www.nichepursuits.com/ IndieHackers: Independent developers and freelancers share and discuss many highly interactive topics every week, and we can see your ideas and tramples in the discussion area

How does WooCommerce upload products in batches

WooCommerce has supported uploading products by importing CSV files since version 3.1, so today we will talk about how WooCommerce e-commerce stations upload products in batches. In addition to downloading the file template on the official website, another way is to download it directly in the background, but the prerequisite is to upload a sample product data first. Here I recommend the second method to download the product upload template. As shown in the figure above, after creating three sample products, directly click "Export" in the upper left corner to export the product information file, and then directly edit the information in the file. A great advantage of this is that this process will let you understand which fields will change which product information, which is very helpful for learning and getting started. Click the "Export" button to enter the product export

A new promotion method

The backstage of the website receives a lot of such messages every day. I have roughly browsed the SEO promotion information sent by the three brothers of India, and some of the contents are comments on the outside chain, so they are simply treated as garbage. This also reminds me that this is also a very effective way of promotion, because this promotion information was successfully displayed in front of the target audience. I carefully read these 30 comments, all of which were left under the same article. It shows that their collection system only collects the address of this article, and then sends a large amount of promotion information through the relevant program. And there is almost no limit to the promotion of such website messages. The most likely thing is that some websites have set up robot message information filtering, but this limit is easily solved through scripts

Briefly introduce the common types of independent stations

Recently, I chat with different friends every day. While getting first-hand new information, I also found that some friends misunderstand the common types of independent stations. Today, we will briefly introduce the common types of independent stations, which can be regarded as the inspection and remedy of the past output content. First of all, the concept of independent station is unique in the Chinese context, and the corresponding English translation is Site or Website. And now when most people talk about independent stations, they think most of the independent stations of cross-border e-commerce, which may be related to the hot atmosphere of cross-border e-commerce in recent years. But I can't generalize, but we should objectively introduce the common types of the next independent station (website). Generally speaking, there are several types of independent stations: content stations, e-commerce stations, and tool stations. The first thing I did was

A case to teach you how to choose NICHE

Recently, many friends wrote me privately in the background, how to choose NICHE, or ask what kind of NICHE can make money. In fact, to be honest, I didn't know that the NICHE that makes money is constantly tested, and few people are willing to share what they are doing. So today, let's take a case to analyze how to choose NICHE. I explained in advance that I didn't do the case NICHE described below. I also saw this information on the Internet and thought it was very interesting. I just wanted to share it with you. If you are interested, you can set up a website and try it. This NICHE is ramen subscription box, which literally translates into ramen order box. But if you search carefully, you will find that

How to find out the profitable projects of others

When I surf the Internet, I have a habit of focusing on the advertisements I see. It is precisely for this reason that I have discovered many projects that others are making profits. This article describes a case that I have been observing recently. Because Twitter and Tubing are the social media that are used more frequently, we will take Tubing as an example (all platforms are the same, after all, they have the advertising function). When I open a video to watch, Tubing will show me a segment of title advertisement (see the following figure). The advertisement simply introduces the advantages of Shopify, the SAAS website building platform, and its current user scale. It gives you the impression that using Shopify to build a website can greatly liberate your business. It's OK to watch such ads once, but

Pour cold water on those friends who want to do SEO

We have been paying more attention to the advantages of Google's SEO traffic operation. But you should know that it is not so easy to do Google SEO, so this article will pour cold water on those who want to do Google SEO and talk about the difficulties and twists in the process. Keyword Research First of all, the competition of Google SEO is very fierce, and most keywords are already a red sea. As a new comer, you need to go deep into the research, find blue ocean keywords that are not very competitive, and reproduce high-quality content for ranking. This process is by no means as simple as thought. If you are really ready to enter the Google SEO business, you must do a good job in psychological construction. You must understand that this is a game of protracted war, and it is absolutely impossible to do your best in one battle

Simply talk about low-cost access to traffic

Recently, there have been a lot of new concerns, and the backstage has begun to have some opportunities to come to us. Thank you very much for your attention and enthusiasm. Take the opportunity of this article to briefly state my thoughts. First of all, I insist that the main purpose of writing articles every day is to exercise my ability to persist in doing something, which is very important for my growth; Then it is to earn some passive income, but not to be the slave of traffic. Secondly, I don't do proxy operation, and I don't intend to engage in this business at all. Now I have several sites that I am busy for a while. When the follow-up situation becomes stable, a team may be formed, but at least it has always been SOHO. So the friends who are looking for agent operation really don't want to find me. Their ability is really not enough, and they don't have enough time and energy. Finally, if the message