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Host 3 joins the old Xue host family

At noon today, I suddenly received a system email from Host 3, which said that Host 3 had joined the family of the old host Xue. Then I immediately went to take a look at the third QQ group, and sure enough, the third group sent a notice that Lao Xue would provide services later. It took almost four and a half years from October 2014 to January 2019. Although it occasionally went down, I still thank host 3 for its service.

The previous domain name has become Xiaohuangnet

Today, when I was sorting out the website, I suddenly found that a domain name that I used a long time ago has become the coordinate of Canada's Xiaohuang.com, which also takes out phishing. I thought that such a short domain name had been registered by me before. After checking, the domain name was not renewed in 2015 and was bought in April 2017 after two years of expiration. Somehow I feel sad.  

August 25, 2017

Today, I closed the music and video pages. NetEase Cloud music has a bug that can't be played. I haven't found the problem yet. The video page always feels too flashy and doesn't match the simple style of the site, so I closed it.

February 5, 2017

In 2017, a month has passed. It is nearly 4 months since the last log. In fact, to write this is just to record the time and the daily account. On Taobao, I saw a pair of very good werewolf kill cards. The materials are very tall and I want to buy them. But I think people are not enough to play. Even if I get together, I am still outdoors. It is not convenient to carry and I don't start. Sleep, good night, world.

October 22, 2016

After graduation for more than a year, I'm getting lazier and lazier. Although I often check the comments, I haven't updated them for a long time I feel it's good to leave punctuation and space blank, regardless of whether it's a comma or a full stop, rhetorical question or declarative sentence. The reader likes it It's ironic. At that time, I always said that people can't read messages without punctuation. Now I think it's very good It seems to be off topic again, but it's good to write whatever I like Back to the topic, I have always wanted to be more blogger and have something to write, but I feel that a sentence or two of sentiment and complaining is more suitable for microblogging or friends circle So I haven't written anything and sometimes I think of something that I immediately deny the next day. Contradictions are always so inexplicable After writing the above sentence, I suddenly don't want to write anymore Ha ha ...

nice! Finally, the independent IP address is replaced

It has been nearly two years since the establishment of the website. This afternoon, I changed the independent IP address! Finally, we don't have to squeeze together. It took Baidu a long time to find out why the user name and password in the wp-config.php file under the root directory were not updated to the latest. But after all, it is solved! nice!

Pokemongo brings us more than just a mobile game

Recently, the most popular mobile game is Pokemon go. When it was first launched in New Zealand and Australia, it immediately stirred up the whole game field. The opening of the Americas and Europe has made Pokemon go popular all over the world and ignited the entire AR/VR market. Pokemongo takes pet elves in childhood as the theme, integrates GPS technology, makes elves realistic in front of players' cameras, and gives people a novel way to present games (unfortunately, my childhood was Digimon, and I was not too fond of Pokemon, when there was Digimon go would be better). Nintendo's share price soared with the birth of pokemongo, which shows that capital holders are optimistic about the future of virtual reality market. In March this year, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg visited Tsinghua University to attend a speech

Forgetting time

[hermit auto=”1″ loop=”1″ unexpand=”0″ fullheight=”0″]remote#:12[/hermit] The last time I logged into the flash disk, I suddenly found that the words "closed after June 30" appeared on the login interface. I don't know whether there are such stores in your hometown. Every day, they shout that they will be closed for the last three days. They always look shabby and about to be swept out. But always three days and three days, discount and packaging, at least for a year and a half. I don't know whether express disk belongs to this type, but if it is this type, it may be good. Just like the rice that has not been renewed for ten thousand years, it is still a place to think when it is dilapidated. Like the secret base in childhood, the more spider web, the more dust, the more secret

A slowly growing hand earning platform in the context of the mobile Internet era

Hand earned, as the name implies, mobile phones make money. A mobile phone, a Wifi, a cup of tea, and an idle afternoon can easily earn a lot of pocket money. The hand earning industry started in 2010, which is the year when the new generation of smart phones just began to be popular. Smartphones have brought infinite possibilities to the Internet, including ways to make money, and the concept of mobile Internet and Internet+. In just a few years, handmade applications have accumulated tens of millions of users. However, compared with the flourishing mobile application market, this kind of application has been drifting away from the edge of the industry and has hardly been reported by any media. This is a very small industry, but it is these hand earned users scattered all over the country that are quietly influencing the development of mobile Internet in their own way. The word "Shouzhuan" is similar to that of a few years ago

March 15, 2016

Today, when using the stationmaster's tool, I suddenly found that the expected flow was 93. Is it true that Baidu's weight will reach 2 after breaking 100? Although it's useless, it's just for fun, but it's also very happy. Ps. Today's human-computer war is over, 4-1, alphago wins, and the prospect of AI is infinite

February 26, 2016 Today's headline

1. Egyptian boy sentenced to life imprisonment at the age of 4 Seeing this title, I wonder what the hell this child did to get sentenced to life imprisonment? Haha, take a look at the following report. The most absurd sentence in Egypt is a wonderful flower in the judicial circle According to the report of the Independent on February 22, Ahmed Mansour Kalmi did not appear in court on the 16th. He was convicted of four murders, eight attempted murders, one property destruction crime and one crime of threatening the lives of soldiers and police - all of which happened before he was 2 years old. However, the courts in Egypt do not seem to doubt the ability of "2-year-old children". On the 16th of this month, although Ahmed did not appear in court, the court sentenced him to life imprisonment. The boy's defense lawyer Ramadan Farhat presented to the court that