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  • software tool
  • Various source codes
  • Knowledge courses

About this site

At the end of 2013, I came across a yellow book in the library of a global industry and commerce (forgive me for remembering only the color), which opened the door to a new world.

On January 16, 2014, he registered the first domain name in his life and used the free space of Sandian.

On May 24, 2014, (Yesi Station) began to operate.

On October 8, 2014, (Amber Heart) was registered and used the No. 3 host in Hong Kong. From then on, the site was officially established. The following figure shows the GIF made at that time.

On January 10, 2015, the weight of Baidu reached 1.

On August 28, 2016, independent IP was enabled.

On April 22, 2018, was officially renamed AlphaFanty.

On January 6, 2019, host 3 was merged into the old Xue host, and the website was moved to the old Xue host.

On May 9, 2021, AlphaFanty began to stop working due to various reasons.

On May 1, 2023, after two years of suspension, AlphaFanty will restart operations and officially resume updating.

On July 16, 2023, the weight of AlphaFanty Baidu will reach 2.

On August 7, 2024, AlphaFanty has been in operation for ten years, and its functions are becoming increasingly bloated. It is better to restart it than make a drastic transformation, so it is better to register a new domain name (Aurora Resources). The original site is reserved, and all data resources are gradually migrated to the site.

About Friendly Chain


The website has been established for more than one month and is a non-commercial and non-profit website.

It is an interesting website with original content, simple style and fun.

The site does not actively delete the friend chain (except for long-term inability to access or unilateral deletion of the site link).

If you are interested in exchanging friend chains, please leave relevant information on the message board.

The latest information of this website is as follows:

Name: Aurora Resources


Description: Land ends here and sea begins here.

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