Questionnaire on the series of experience activities of Suzhou Local Records Museum

Source: Office of Suzhou Local Chronicle Compilation Committee (Suzhou Local Chronicle Museum)

Dear citizens

Since its opening in 1998, Suzhou Local Records Museum has undergone two relocations and three relocations. In 2023, with the care and support of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the new museum will finally be moved to Tangyin Cultural Park in Taohuawu Historical and Cultural Area. Since the opening of the new museum, Suzhou Local Chronicles Museum has actively launched a series of experience activities, combining learning local chronicles culture with experience activities, promoting the inheritance and development of excellent traditional culture, and in order to provide more high-quality local chronicles characteristic service content, the Office of Suzhou Local Chronicles Compilation Committee has specially carried out the "Questionnaire on Suzhou Local Chronicles Museum Series Experience Activities". Citizens are welcome to participate actively.

Starting and ending time: two thousand and twenty-four year five month one Day—— two thousand and twenty-four year five month thirty-one Day.

1. May I ask your age?
Under 18
18-24 years old
25-45 years old
Over 45
2. What is your occupation (identity)?
Personnel of Party and government organs and public institutions
Enterprise personnel
Teachers and students
3. What is your educational background?
Junior high school and below
High school or technical secondary school
Diploma or undergraduate
Postgraduate or above
4. What is your living type in Suzhou?
Suzhou natives live in Suzhou for a long time
Short term study, work or life in Suzhou
Non Suzhou nationality, but has studied, worked or lived in Suzhou in the past 5 years
5. Do you participate in the series of experience activities launched by Suzhou Local Records Museum?
6. What channels do you use to learn about activities?
Public account
News and Newspapers
Network video
7. Are you satisfied with the content arrangement of the series of activities?
Very satisfied
Basically satisfied
Needs improving
Not very satisfied
8. In addition to participating in activities, what other services are you interested in?
Special exhibition
Book reading
9. Are you willing to recommend Suzhou Local Records Museum to your relatives and friends?
be willing
10. What aspects do you think Suzhou Local Records Museum should be optimized in?
Activity form and quantity
Exhibition content and form
Publicity and promotion
Science popularization content release
Types and quantity of books

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Result feedback
Feedback Report on the Questionnaire of Suzhou Local Records Museum Series Experience Activities