Suining Municipal Procuratorate is taking action to protect enterprises and escort high-quality development of enterprises
According to the unified deployment of Suining Municipal Commission of Political Science and Law, recently, the procurator team of Suining Municipal Procuratorate went to Chuanshan District, Anju District, and Pengxi County to carry out four rule of law lectures on "great changes in the style of pro business and enterprise oriented", which mainly focused on the theme of intellectual property protection. Representatives of nearly 100 enterprises attended the conference.
Pengxi Procurator: The procuratorate and enterprises should work together to create a legal business environment for enterprises
In order to thoroughly implement the deployment requirements of the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises", optimize the legal business environment, promote the compliance operation of enterprises, and assist the high-quality development of private enterprises with procuratorial performance. On April 9, Chen Bailing, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Pengxi County, led a team to investigate and visit Sichuan Beauty Friend Food Co., Ltd., so as to ensure the healthy development of private enterprises.
Shehong Procurator: Be ingenious and protect the enterprise
Recently, Shehong People's Procuratorate, together with Shehong Federation of Industry and Commerce, launched the activity of "Law based Service Entrepreneur Association" with the theme of "protecting enterprises with ingenuity", aiming at building a legal business environment, to help enterprises avoid and reduce potential legal risks, improve the sense of responsibility of business associations, and promote the deep implementation of the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises". Representatives of Shehong People's Procuratorate, Shehong Federation of Industry and Commerce, Shehong Agricultural and Sideline Products, Shehong E-Commerce Logistics, Home Economics, Advertising and other business associations attended the meeting.
Settle in procurators: prosecutors on the "chain" escort "lithium"
On April 7, Wang Qian, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Anju District Procuratorate, led the prosecutor team on the "chain" of lithium battery industry to carry out point-to-point visit and research in lithium battery enterprises such as Tianqi Lithium and Sichuan Yuneng. The procurators informed the enterprises of the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" deployed by the highest level of inspection. The provincial procuratorate carried out the spirit of "ten thousand prosecutors protect ten thousand enterprises", listened to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises, and sent the enterprises an order based legal gift package for lithium battery industry.
Prosecutors protect enterprises, Chuanshan Prosecutors are in action
In order to serve the high-quality economic and social development, promote the implementation of the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises", and create a better business environment based on the rule of law, on March 21, the procurators of the People's Procuratorate of Chuanshan District, Suining City visited three enterprises, including Suining Hengyou Building Materials Co., Ltd., to ask the needs of enterprises and provide legal services.
The first "rule of law class" started after the Procurator General sent the law into the Enterprise Festival!
In order to effectively help enterprises prevent and resolve occupational risks, adhere to the rule of law thinking to guide key and key positions of enterprises, party members, cadres and employees to perform their duties according to law, and promote high-quality development of enterprises, on February 22, Li Hongzhi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Suining Chuanshan District People's Procuratorate, went to Chuanshan Power Supply Branch of Star Power, Lecture on "Analysis of the Phenomenon of Violation of Disciplines and Laws by Party Members and Cadres as" Young People "and Countermeasures".
Special production: Editorial Department of Chang'an Network, Suining