Ali Mama counts boldface, free commercial font

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Ali Mummy · Zhizao has produced and researched the first AI font product, Ali Mummy Digital Bold, and officially launched it. The generation of this character is the result of human-machine cooperation, prototype design, intelligent participation, manual intervention, human-machine cycle optimization, until the final generation of a satisfactory standard font. The digital boldface is a marketing font generated based on the marketing application scenario of Ali Mama. It has strong versatility and ease of use, and is suitable for multiple categories of goods. It can more effectively address the needs of e-commerce platforms.

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 Ali Mama counts boldface, free commercial font

The number in bold is the simplified Chinese character library, which contains 6767 Chinese characters, including but not limited to GB2312; 52 cases in English; There are 206 common punctuation marks, 7025 characters in total. The font is full, the posture is moderate, the cloth white has modern rhythm, and the writing is thick and concise; The visual feeling of avant-garde, avant-garde and fashion is revealed between the lines. It is applicable to e-commerce, advertising, brand image, promotional materials and other scenarios.

 Ali Mama counts boldface, free commercial font

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