The PS plug-in prompts "The extension cannot be loaded because it is not signed correctly" Solution

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After Adobe was updated to CC 2019, various useful plug-ins, filters, and extension functions began to be updated one after another. The problem came. Maybe there was a compatibility problem with the new version of the adapter, and the plug-in loading prompt The extension cannot be loaded because it is not signed correctly I don't know the specific reason. I don't dare to ask, but I give the solution directly.

 The PS plug-in prompts "The extension cannot be loaded because it is not signed correctly" Solution

Win Solution

1. Open Registrar

Use shortcut keys win+R , input after opening regedit , click OK.

 The PS plug-in prompts "The extension cannot be loaded because it is not signed correctly" Solution

2. New String Value

After opening, open the following path HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.7 , and then as shown in the following dynamic figure, right-click the blank space and select New String Value, whose name is PlayerDebugMode , value is one

there CSXS.7 It depends on your PS version. If you are not sure, you can CSXS.3 CSXS.4 CSXS.5 CSXS.6 Change everything.

PS插件提示 “无法加载扩展,因为它未正确签署” 解决方法

3. Successfully installed

OK, open PS again, as shown in the following dynamic diagram, click Window>Extended Functions, select the installed extension, and it can be loaded normally.

PS插件提示 “无法加载扩展,因为它未正确签署” 解决方法

Mac Solution

There is no registry on the mac, so the above registry method is useless for the mac. The following method is for the mac system.

Take PSCC2019 as an example:

1. Select system top - menu - go to - utilities - terminal

2. Enter the command line: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.9 PlayerDebugMode 1

 The PS plug-in prompts "The extension cannot be loaded because it is not signed correctly" Solution

For other versions of PS, please modify the command line yourself

CC 2014: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.5 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2015: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.6 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2015.5: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.7 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2017: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.7 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2018: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.8 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2019: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.9 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2020: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.10 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2021: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.11 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2022: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.12 PlayerDebugMode 1

CC 2023: defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.13 PlayerDebugMode 1

Updated on August 29, 2019

If you are in the Windows system and don't bother to read the tutorial, you can directly use the following script reg and double-click to run it to solve the unsigned error

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Ps plug-in Ps error Unable to load extend Unsigned Adobe CC2019