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Sleep health industry ecological chain

According to the 2021 World Sleep White Paper, more than 1 billion people in China suffer from sleep sub-health problems, and more than 400 million people suffer from sleep disorders, which are mainly manifested in: inability to sleep, inability to sleep deeply, inability to sleep well, inability to sleep soundly, and inability to wake up. COVID-19

Behind the insomnia of 500 million Chinese, this segment of track sleep market is about to take off

It is becoming more and more difficult for modern people to get a good sleep. According to the White Paper on Exercise and Sleep in 2021 issued by the China Sleep Research Association, there are nearly 300 million people in China who cannot sleep well. Among the insomniacs, the post-90s and post-00s are the representatives

Digging for hundreds of billions of dollars of "sleep economy" has become a potential hot track in the trillion market

When sleep becomes a luxury, there will be unlimited business opportunities, which means the rise of sleep economy. China's sleep market in broad sense has reached more than 100 billion yuan. According to the query statistics of the national enterprise credit information publicity system, there are 2700

Who can occupy one third of the time of life, and seize the 100 billion yuan blue ocean of sleep economy?

With the accelerated pace of life, there is a huge market space for the industrial form derived from sleep. Data shows that the number of sleep related enterprises registered in China has increased significantly in the past five years. 62% of related enterprises were founded in five years, only from 2018 to February

Are you ready to get on the trillion sleep economic track behind 300 million people?

In June 2013, on the eve of the college entrance examination. Lying in bed, Zhang San fantasized about the happy life after the college entrance examination and the upcoming freedom of sleep, almost too excited to sleep. However, nine years have passed from undergraduate to graduate school, and then to work, and it seems that Zhang San will never