In 2022, how can entrepreneurs with no background and no contacts find investors if they want to finance projects?

In 2022, how can entrepreneurs with no background and no contacts find investors if they want to finance projects?

Most individual entrepreneurs have almost no investor network. Even if they have such investors around, it is not meaningful. After all, if a project wants to succeed in financing, it must find a professional counterpart with financial strength and investors have an investment budget. Where to find investors like individual entrepreneurs?

It is almost impossible. If you are an entrepreneur, without any network resource circle, if you don't need much capital, the financing success rate is still high, but you need to work hard to pay time and energy. After all, the road to find investors is very difficult. If you don't want to raise more than a million dollars, I'm sorry, Your financing success rate is 0.

Most of the project parties lack financing experience and financing channels. Don't waste time and energy on blind financing. It is recommended to find a professional and knowledgeable financing consultant for guidance and consultation, so as to avoid many detours.

Hello, entrepreneurs and bosses. I have served as the investment director of many well-known venture capital institutions in China. I have many years of experience in the investment and financing industry, understand the investment attributes and direction of investment companies, and have rich experience in the industry. The investment and financing market is extremely chaotic and has many routines. At present, hundreds of entrepreneurs have been served as financing consultants.

Recently, many project parties contacted me with the prestige of czbw88. They have projects that they want to finance and want to find investors, but they lack financing channels, investor resources and financing experience. Many project parties hope that I can give corresponding guidance. After all, they have their own projects in operation and cannot answer every entrepreneur's question one by one, So, next, I will set up a separate business segment to serve entrepreneurs and bosses. I can help answer any financing questions. Of course, I just answer them. I will not make any commitment to any investors. I have a deep understanding of the difficulties and obstacles of a project to succeed in financing, Therefore, we only answer the problems encountered by the project party in the financing process, assist the project party to identify the authenticity of the investors and the authenticity and reliability of the financing platform, and avoid detours.

The service is paid (1888 yuan). Entrepreneurs who want to buy a white wolf with nothing can make a detour if they don't want to spend a penny. After all, knowledge is priceless and experience is priceless. I believe my advice and guidance can help you avoid more detours and spend tens of thousands of wasted money. I am also looking for some reliable entrepreneurial projects to cooperate, and I can cooperate with high-quality entrepreneurial projects for win-win results.

I hope my services can help more entrepreneurs and business owners. I hope my suggestions can help you avoid falling into a trap. The investment and financing market is full of fish and dragons, full of smoke, and cautious.
Enterprise bosses in need can add me WeChat czbw88 Please note (financing)

The boss who needs a business plan can also contact me
WeChat public account: Wu Xiaotong chats about entrepreneurship

Original article, written by: Wu Xiangchuang, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
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