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What are the low-cost entrepreneurial projects? Recommended low-cost and high profit projects!

1: Breakfast Shop

The plan of the day is in the morning, so a delicious, healthy and nutritious breakfast is crucial. The breakfast shop is one of the ideal projects for entrepreneurship. Because the breakfast shop and leisure drink shop have the advantages of low cost, high profit and quick recovery, the average investment cost is 20000 to 100000 yuan, the average net profit is 25% to 35%, and the average return of cost is 5-8 months, so they are the first choice for contemporary entrepreneurs.

2: Flower shop

The flower shop has the following characteristics:

1: The investment is small. Rent a shop in the market to maintain normal import and export, and the initial investment of 30000 to 40000 yuan is enough;

2: Fast turnover, short turnover period of flowers, frequent entry and quick exit, very sensitive;

3: It is in line with the consumption trend, and flower consumption is closely related to people's living standards and cultural taste.

Opening a fresh flower shop initially includes four parts: store location, rent, decoration and purchase funds. The skills of opening a store mainly include getting familiar with the market, selecting the location, store layout, flower arrangement art control, investment risk, etc.

3: Children's education

For the vast majority of Chinese urban families, children's consumption accounts for more than 20% of the total family income, and 44% of families spend between 500 yuan and 1000 yuan on children every month. Since the opening of the second child policy, the early education industry has ushered in another peak. Early education institutions have sprung up in many cities in China.

With the post-80s and post-90s parents becoming the main consumers of early childhood education, the demand for childcare education is becoming more sophisticated and professional, and there is a high willingness to consume early childhood education. The country also pays more attention to early education, and the early education market is also a potential "sunrise" industry.

The threshold for investment in children's early education institutions is about 100000 to 200000 yuan on average. Choosing teachers with certain experience and qualifications is the key to success in the competition in this industry. As long as the business is on the right track, there is no need to worry about the future source of students. In one and a half years, it is almost enough to recover the investment.

4: Mobile beauty

By the middle of 2019, the total number of mobile phone users had broken 1.6 billion. Facing the same waste mobile phone case, people need to customize the mobile phone case to show their identity and personality. People with mobile phones are potential customers, which is a rare consumer market for all. Therefore, customization of mobile phone beauty cases is a potential project.

It is easy to open a custom shop for mobile phone case, without complicated technology, and suitable for one person to operate. Light inventory, reduce overstock, and do business 365 days a year. These are difficult for other projects.

If you are interested in making money and starting a business, but do not know where to start, if you want to learn craft skills but suffer from high costs.

Then, come to ask for a job. The members who ask for a job will learn everything for free. They will spend 5 million yuan every year to investigate the things that can make money. If you are looking for a job, you can watch the brochures of regularly updated popular projects. The 15 minute video tutorial will tell you the prospect, practical methods and pitfalls to avoid of each project in detail.

Match to the most suitable sideline/entrepreneurship project, as long as you are a member of the staff, watch the video for free, learn the course for free, and do the project for free.

The annual fee is only 499 yuan, which is equivalent to one thirty seven cents a day. In addition, there is no follow-up charge.

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Original article, written by Wu, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
What are the low-cost entrepreneurial projects for young people in 2022?
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